Unless you just landed from Mars, you've probably been watching and
A LOT about my good friend Ben Pakulski's brand new 40 day
program -
MI40 where you'll learn how to DOUBLE your muscle gains
with the
scientific significance of the number 40 in it's application to
40 days!
40 minute workouts!
40 second sets!
second rest periods!
The number 40 is the MOST optimal number for
the most critical
muscle-growth variables and for the very first
time it's been organized
into 40 days of structured and progressive
Three Reasons MI40 Is
Completely Different...
1. MI40 is the ONLY muscle program that
focuses on the conscious
INTENT to create TENSION in the muscle with
the use of Intentions.
Adding Intentions to your movements PROVES
that there is NO SUCH
THING as a "weak" or "lagging" body part and
teaches you how to
FEEL the muscle ensuring growth. Ben includes
SEVEN hours of
instructional coaching so you can learn how to fully
LENGTHEN every muscle through it's full range of
motion on
every respective movement. Info that was acquired from
being around
the worlds brightest coaches, therapists and doctors the
past 14 years!
==>MI40 Training System
MI40 is different than every other run-of-the-mill program by
Ben Pakulski's trademark NOS Technology - an intensifier
to ensure
you never finish a workout wondering, "Did I do enough?" or
"Did I do
too much?" NOS optimizes your testosterone levels to
see growth.
3. And finally, MI40 guarantees you'll
maximize the muscle-to-fat ratio
(the majority of test subjects
actually LOST body fat on the system)
and keep your abs the entire 40
days with Ben's Three-Phase Nutrition.
(BTW... if you're eating
carbohydrates 1-2 hours BEFORE you workout
then you're DECREASING
your workouts performance - this is the
most cutting-edge nutrition
research you'll find). Ben did not become
one of the top 15
bodybuilders in the world by reading the same old
rehashed muscle
& fitness info you can find anywhere. Come on!
And the BEST
As of today, November 29th, the MI40 System private $30 OFF
is now OPEN, and YOU are invited via this discounted
Your Private $30 OFF Invitation
==>MI40 Training System
few IMPORTANT things you need to know:
1. As mentioned, to
celebrate the "Official Release" of the MI40
System, Ben is offering
a $30 OFF launch-only discount until
midnight at Friday.
Duh! MI40 is NOT for everyone! If you believe you need perfect
require performance-enhancing drugs, don't gain muscle
require hours in the gym, must be naturally strong, access
to a
fancy gym, must consume piles of supplements, too old, too
young or
think you have tried it all... click away right now.
MI40 is NOT for
you. MI40 is HARD and is not a magic-bullet
solution. It will
require you to bring the BEST version of YOU for
the entire 40 days.
This is not a "laid back" approach to gaining
muscle. If you're
looking for a "easy ride" - go back to dreamland.
But if you're
ready to put in some hard work and take a precise and
approach to your training & nutrition then MI40 will literally
your body and your life FOREVER... and it'll do it FAST:
3. VERY IMPORTANT (TODAY ONLY) - While the $30 OF launch-sale
will run until Friday midnight, there is a rare opportunity to get
by Ben (a legit $500 Value) for anyone who responds quickly
orders TODAY (Tuesday).
The Fast Action Bonus - if you order
today (Tuesday only) , you will
get invited to a closed-door
coaching call with Ben Pakulski & Vince
Del Monte. Try to get Ben
on the phone and you're looking at $250 an
hour for a consult and
MI40 customers get 2 hours of VIP COACHING to
answer your personal
muscle, fat loss and fitness questions.
The best part about
working with Ben is that he DOES believe there is
way of doing everything. He will NEVER just
say, "Well it works for
me..." in response to your question but will
give you a IN DEPTH and
the science behind everything
you do. You'll learn why Ben is coined
"The Thinking Man's
Bodybuilder" and you'll gain a wealth of new
understanding on this
Order MI40 today and you'll gain access to this call at NO
COST! You'll get your $30 discount AND $500 Bonus if
you act today:
short, there is A LOT of BS when it comes to muscle & fitness and
been taken for a ride for too long. Today that ride ends and
you're about to
get the research-based FACTS on how to gain TWICE the
muscle in HALF
the time - if you're up for an intense 40 days that
You're gaining FOURTEEN years of Ben's knowledge for an
investment that
works out to LESS than the price of a 2 pound tub of
protein powder!
After reviewing the entire MI40 System, I
strongly recommend you grab
yourself a copy. It gets my 110%
endorsement and - by far - the BEST
muscle info I've seen in a VERY
long time.
P.P.S. I highly recommend you read Ben's entire
website today - there is
A LOT of eye-opening information on this
page and he goes into depth on
the 5 irrefutable reasons you'll never
make gains and how to fix 'em.
Plus, if you have questions
about MI40, at the bottom of Ben's page there
is a detailed FAQ
section that will make sure this the right decision for you.
wish I had access to this info ten years ago so take advantage of this
and awesome day
First off, I want to thank you for your interest in my product. I aim to
give you the absolute best quality product that exists, as well as the
best possible technical support for all of your questions, concerns, and
I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself and tell you a
little bit about my new Muscle Building Program.
My name is Ben Pakulski , the author and creator of MI40. I will start
off by answering the question most commonly asked. What is the
significance of the name?
The name, MI40 - “Mass Intentions” is significant to this program
because it is representative of the conscious INTENT, to create TENSION
in the muscle, as well as the pun of overall mass creation.
The number 40, is the most important number in this program because it
is the number that has the most scientific significance in MI40. 40 is
representative of the number of days in the program (40 days), the
amount of time in a set (40 seconds), the rest between sets (40
seconds), and the number of exercises used in constructing this muscle
building protocol.
Many of you will immediately recognize the scientific significance of
all of these numbers and some of you may not. The number 40 was chosen
because of it being the MOST optimal number for many of these variables.
As will be explained in the program, 40 days has been proven to be the
most optimal amount of time to adapt to any new training program
(6weeks). 40 seconds is the ideal amount of “Time under Tension”(TUT) to
illicit muscular hypertrophy. 40 seconds rest is the ideal amount of
time to allow your CP and ATP Glycolytic energy pathways to recover
before the next set (these are the energy pathways that drive muscular
contraction of fast twitch muscle fibers which are responsible for
To tell you all a little about myself, I am a graduate of the University
of Western Ontario. My areas of study were primarily Kinesiology, and
My passion for health and fitness is second only to my passion for
helping others improve their lives. I live my life by the acronym “CANI” –
Constant And Never-Ending Improvement. 1% Improvement Every Day.
I have never viewed myself as an overly blessed individual, which is why
my life is always centered on learning the best information, from the
best resources and brightest people that exist. 14 years of seeking the
best information and applying just about every possible technique on
myself , has brought me to where I am today. A very successful, happy,
healthy, motivated -professional bodybuilder, author, public speaker,
nutrition coach, celebrity trainer and success coach. Sounds like a lot
of hats, but they all tie into one balanced life…. Sometimes! ☺
The 2 main principles (or as Vince would reference them – “hooks” and
Unique Selling Propositions) set forth in MI40 are the concepts that I
deem to be most greatly contributing to holding people back from
achieving their goals! “The WEAKEST LINKS!!” Here are the two problems
MI40 Solves: 1) Most people have no idea how to feel how to “feel” their muscles,
and therefore have little idea how to exhaust and build these muscles.
‘Intentions’ the ideal tool to assist them in doing so. 2) Then there is the idea of creating sufficient overload to
stimulate a muscle to grow. Many people spend way too much time in the
gym trying to “train” and exhaust a muscle group.
NOS has been designed to get the MAXIMUM efficacy in the shortest amount
of time. It will fatigue the muscle faster and create the most optimal
hormonal environment to illicit the growth response. Keeping the
workout time shorter, means less cortisol (muscle breakdown) and
therefore better body composition and muscle growth!
As many of you may already know, in a manner consistent with my approach
to all aspects of life, I have gone out and sought “the best”. I have
hired marketing genius and fitness pro, Vince DelMonte as my campaign
manager for MI40. After spending quite a bit of time with Vince in
prepping him for his competitions in 2011, I knew Vince was the guy to
help me launch my muscle-building baby to the world! Vince is becoming
renowned for his consistent low-to-mid 6-figure launch records. I
believe in the product I have created, and I want to share my knowledge
and expertise with as many people as I can.
I truly believe that this product has the science, the practical basis,
the structure and format to help anyone that comes in contact with it. I
want your help in spreading this knowledge and passion with the world!
Yours in fitness, health and passion, Benjamin Pakulski
A short message from your launch manager… Vince Del Monte
MI40 – What
is the hook?
We have more than one – earning it’s rightful tag line, “Twice The
Muscle, Half The Time!”
First, MI stands for MASS INTENTIONS and INTENTIONS is Ben’s trademark
technique that addresses the problem of not being able to go heavier and
heavier with your weights unless you wish to carry more risk than
Going heavier isn’t your best option, especially after a few years of
lifting, if you want to stimulate muscle growth and you most look to
other solutions. With INTENTIONS you change the angle of pushing or
pulling by means of a technique almost imperceptible to an observer. You
push inward or pull outward with your hands or feet as you perform an
exercise. I was introduced to intentions in December 2010 and ever
since, my body has never looked the same. You’ve seen my pictures!
Intentions literally RE MOLDED my body. On lat pulldowns as I pulled
the bar down, I tried to pull my hands apart. They didn’t actually move
on the bar, but that different motion made my lats fire in a different
way, and my back was more sore the next day than it had been in months.
In the MI40 DVD, Ben teaches you how to apply INTENTIONS to virtually
every exercise, not an easy task if you’re untrained in biomechanics and
kinesiology (Ben holds a degree from the University of Western Ontario
in Kinesiology). On barbell presses for chest, for example, you try to
push your hands together. One thing is certain: Forget about using your
normal weights. Typically, I do work sets with 180 to 230 pounds on lat
pulldowns to the front; at that recent back workout I didn’t need to go
any heavier than 150. As I said, though, the feeling in the lats was
completely different.
We often play around with grip widths and experiment with pushing and
pulling angles, but with intentions you introduce a variable that can
awaken dormant muscle fibers and stimulate them in fresh, new ways.
Pakulski has used intentions to get more out of exercises like leg
presses, squats, barbell rows, bench presses and overhead presses—really
anything that has you pushing or pulling both limbs at once on a bar or
roller pad. It’s helped him become ripped at 270, place Top 10 at the
Arnold Pro Show, Top 5 at the Flex Pro show and on his way to qualifying
for the Mr. Olympia next year! INTENTIONS is 100% unique and will
breath new life into your workouts. More important, it stimulates new
muscle growth based on science and biomechanics, not bro science.
MI40 – What’s up with the number 40?
Ben already explained this but lets review it once more to ensure you
know exactly what you’re endorsing. You and your list are going to
LOVE the simplicity of the mechanism that makes MI40 so effective. 40 days! 40 second sets! 40 second rest periods 40 minute workouts! 40 exercises! 40 foods! 40 day meal plans!
This is the exact workout I followed in prep of the WBFF World
Championships and here’s a reminder that it works!
As you can see, MI40 did not transform my body, it literally RE MOLDED
it and it’ll do the same for you.
MI40 – How is MI40 different
than every other muscle program?
Aside from Ben’s trademark technique Intentions and the science behind
the number 40 (we can explain why 40 is scientifically optimally for
every variable above), we have…. NOS!
I’ll let Ben explain NOS to you… Join the NOS revolution:
For years, I had been searching for the best way to overload my muscles
each and every time I go in the gym. I know you can relate to those days
when you worked “hard” but still feel like you could have done more.
Leaving the gym feeling like there was more in the tank or maybe getting
home and regretting not pushing harder?! I CRAVED something that would
ensure that my muscles are taken to their limit, and CREATE NEW GROWTH! This is when I discovered NOS!
My training partner and I had been coming up with creative ways to
inflict pain on each other during leg workouts for years. I remember
daydreaming of ways to make workouts harder. My goal was to leave the
gym knowing I had BLASTED every last muscle fiber, and to have my
training partner talking about how he had never experienced muscle pumps
and growth like this.
“Straight sets” just didn’t seem to do the trick anymore. Ya sure I felt
a decent pump, but it just didn’t seem to be the type of intensity that
I KNEW I needed to grow!
FACT: A “straight set” will NEVER cause the type of neurological
adaptation, hormonal response, and thereby GROWTH that a NOS set will. NOS WAS BORN ON A LEG PRESS!
Being a research junky I had always read about overloading the muscle
and overloading the nervous system to stimulate new muscle and strength
gains respectively. Time under tension was proven to be the number one
factor correlated with muscle growth and overload!
Something clicked in my brain! Time under MAXIMAL TENSION! This had to
be better than just time under tension!! And so, my GROWTH BABY was
If I could use the maximum amount of weight I could handle for strict
form for the greatest amount of time possible, growth was inevitable!
The only catch is, that ITS HARD!
NOS is something that I have been using religiously ever since.
Perfecting its components. I use it to get ready for my contests and in
my offseason. Straight sets are now a thing of the past.
The science behind NOS: Neurological Overload Set.
The NOS system has been specifically designed to ensure a maximal MUSCLE
OVERLOAD! The greatest number of muscle fibers are broken down or
exhausted. Taking your muscles to such an exhausted state also causes
the highest possible release amount of growth hormones and growth
factors within a working muscle! Without these, you can train all day
and eat a perfect diet and expect ZERO growth. This is one of the main
reasons why so many people train often, train “hard” and see minimal
results. They never reach that “overload-anabolic state.” GREATER OVERALL STIMULUS=GREATER MUSCLE GROWTH!
Now this Math I LIKE!
How to: NOS
NOS is completed by performing an “extended set”.
The goal here is to extend the set for as long as possible while
maintaining tension on the working muscle, and perfect form!
Start the set with a weight that you can use for a strict 8 repetitions.
After completing your first 8 repetitions, decrease the weight by
20%(if youre using 100lbs, you would decrease by 20lbs, etc.)
Immediately continue to perform as many repetitions as you can with the
second weight (usually 5-8 reps). Repeat this process 4 times total.
(You will complete 3 drops, therefore 4 “sets”-100,80,60,40lbs).
DO NOT allow your form to stray in an attempt to complete more reps. If
anything, decrease the size of the Range of Motion (ROM) (“partials”),
just make sure to be initiating the movement with the working muscle
from a fully stretched position.
MI40 – What does the product look like?
Component 1
The 40 Day MASS Intelligence Training Manual Component 2
The 40 Day MASS Consumption Nutrition Manual Component 3
The 40 Day MASS Instruction Workout Videos Component 4
The 40 Day MASS Proportions Exercise Demo Guide Component 5
The 40 Day MASS Prescription Printable Workout Sheets Component 6
The 40 Day MASS Pursuit Calendar Component 7
The 40 Day MASS Supplement Stack Protocol Component 8
The Sciene & Story Behind NOS & Intentions Audio Interview
First off I want to say that this blog is mainly directed towards individuals that want to gain weight and build muscle fast, but today I want to talk to those individuals who have a hard time loosing FAT.
There are many Personal Trainers, Nutritionists, and T.V. shows that will have the desire to help someone struggling to Loose Fat and mean well, but go about in an unrealistic way. How many times have you seen or heard someone say that you have to get rid of all the unhealthy foods and habits from your home? Well this is partially true, but for some people its extreme. Now I'm not saying that this approach doesn't work, but most individuals will relapse and put all the weight back on and then some. I would like to suggest that YOU choose one thing to cut down on a day. For instance, if you eat 2 cheese burgers a day cut down to 1 cheese burger. If you drink 4 sodas a day, cut down to 3 sodas a day and so on until you eliminate these things completely. This will create new habits and a different MINDSETTHAT WILL LAST!
1. You have to COAX the fat off your body! Extreme measures often lead to extreme disappointments.
2. Give yourself ENOUGH time. set a realistic goal. Strive for 1% per week. This approach is normal and on the right track.
3. Create a roadmap. Measure everything or you will not know what is actually happening. It's like the saying goes, "What gets measured, gets IMPROVED!
4. Strive for PROGRESS, not perfection. If you are improving, be happy with that.
6. EAT 6 MEALS A DAY. Eating 6 meals a day will speed up metabolism.
7. Eat Protein with EVERY Meal.
8. Don't START your day eating carbs. You want a steady rise in blood sugars.The only time you will eat carbs in the morning is if you work-out in the morning/Post meal.
9. Don't END your day eating carbs. The only time you will eat cabs in the evening is if you work-out in the evening/Post meal.
10. Drink Plenty of water. Drinking plenty of water flushes out any toxins in the body.
Stage 1-Body Weight x 14
Stage 2-Body Weight x 12
Stage 3-Body Weight x 10
Stage 4-Body Weight x 8
The goal is to maximize fat loss BEFORE having to drop stages. You WILL have to drop.
Lets say you are a 200lb male.
200lbx14=2800 cal per day. This is a STARTING point on the amount of calories you need a day to loose fat.
50% Protein
30% Carbs
20% Fat
For every gram ofCarb= 4 Cal
For every gram of Protein= 4 Cal
For every gram of Fat= 9 Cal
1. Protein. You take the total amount of calories (2800) and multiply by .50 to get 1400 calories.
Then there are 4 calories for every gram of protein so you dived 1400 calories by 4 to get 350 grams of protein a day.
NOTE: This seems a little high in protein a day but its an example that you can feel free to play around with.
2. Carbs. You take the total amount of calories (2800) and multiply by .30 to get 840 calories. Then there are 4 calories for every gram of carb. So you dived 840 calories by 4 to get 210 grams of carbs a day.
3. Fats. You take the total amount of calories (2800) and multiply by .20 to get 560 cal. Then there are 9 calories for every gram of fat. So you divide 560 calories by 9 to get 62.2 grams of fats a day.
350 grams of Protein a day.
210 grams of Carbs a day.
62 grams of Fats a day.
Divide by 6 meals a day
58 grams of protein.
35 grams of carbs.
10 grams of fats.
TIP: If you have a smart phone download the app Spark People. Its a great tool to count calories and setting goals for fat loss.
Meal 1. Protein/Fat
Meal 2. Protein/Fat
Meal 3. Protein/Carb
Meal 4. Protein/Carb
Meal 5. Protein/Carb
Meal 6. Protein/Fat
PROTEIN Should consist of:
Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast
White Fish
Top Sirloin
Ground Lamb
CARBOHYDRATES Should consist of:
Brown Rice
Sweet Potato/Yams
FATS should consist of:
Almonds, Cashews, Walnuts
Natural Peanut butter/The kind you stir.
Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Seeds
Friday, November 11, 2011
Pro Bodybuilder Ben Pakulski's MI40 Training Program To Be Released Here: http://ping.fm/c613P
Have you ever seen guys in the gym wearing long workout pants? Why do some ware shorts when a small few where longer style workout pants?
If you take a look around the gym you'll see a trend of people working out every kind of muscle group except legs. Most guys love to work out their chest, biceps, shoulders, etc, but what about legs.
I for one use to neglect legs because I felt that the most important muscles were upper body. After all, that is what gets more attention but legs, so what. I didn't feel that working out legs was that big of a deal and besides I hated doing them anyway. Do you feel me?
This seems to be a common trend for some guys that they get so focused on upper body they start to look unbalanced. I mean they get top heavy and all you would have to do is push them over and they would fall.
Well...I used to be one of those guys that hated doing legs and would wear my long gym pants to cover up my scrawny chicken legs, but I learned that by training lower body it actually helps your upper body to grow.
Now I have not arrived just yet with huge tree trunk looking legs, but I stopped wearing the pants and now always wear shorts. Why? Well by wearing shorts it's a constant reminder that I need to Trash my legs hard when I train them. When training them I go past failure and afterwards I eat. I eat big. Nutrition is another very crucial aspect to building muscle, without it your wasting your time.
Your legs are a big muscle group and when you train them hard there are hormones that are released through out your body called testosterone.
Testosterone is the building blocks one needs to build muscle but, that's a whole other subject.
In the end you will be glad that you hung your pants up and trashed, crushed, and destroyed your legs past failure. It will make the rest of your physique look phenomenal!
"If you are training legs in the gym and the mirror is not making faces back at you then, you're not training hard enough."
Ever had a workout so hard that the mirror in front of you was making faces?
Everywhere you turn, someone's promising the next secret to getting 6 pack abs. Some of these so called 'secrets' have some degree of accuracy, while others, not so much. Deciphering which are the best methods to getting 6 pack abs is going to be critical to your having success with this goal. The biggest area you need to focus on when trying to obtain 6 pack abs is going to be on your diet. Like it or not, the old saying that 'abs are made in the kitchen', is probably one of the most truthful statements in the fitness industry. If your diet isn't in line, your stomach is going to show it. So, what should you be doing with your diet? First, ensure you are getting enough protein. Not only is protein going to form the key building blocks you need to build muscle tissue, but it's also going to provide you with a better feeling of fullness than eating just carbohydrates alone would for example. Protein is more "expensive" than any other macronutrient meaning that your body will burn more calories breaking down protein compared to carbs and fats. Next, don't be afraid of dietary fat that comes from primarily monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats such as olive oils, fish oils, a mix of nuts, natural peanut butter and avocado. While it's true that eating fat will increase your calories fast, as long as you keep it between 20-30% it can be one of the best things to get 6 pack abs fast. The important point here is that dietary fat helps keep your insulin level stable, which, when high enough can actually cause fat gain itself. Furthermore, dietary fat will keep you feeling the fullest for the longest duration in time; longer than both protein or carbohydrates would. Interestingly, some diets high in fat can get you 6 pack abs fast because your body learn to metabolize fat for energy. So, while you do need to watch it, be sure you are getting some in your diet. Finally, when it comes to carbohydrate intake and getting 6 pack abs, you want to focus most of your carbohydrate intake around the post workout period. Why? The biggest reason for this is because this is when your body is going to need those carbohydrates the most and will really suck them up into the muscle tissue. When you eat them at this time, it is least likely that they will turn into body fat. Additionally, consuming carbohydrates during this period will also help to aid with muscle recovery and repair, so that means less down time from the gym for you. If getting 6 pack abs fast is your goal than each meal you should consist of 1-2 cups of raw vegetables to control insulin levels, improve absorption of your protein and flood your body with vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. So, if you are aiming to get 6 pack abs in the coming months, have a good hard look at your diet. That is the big secret that must not be overlooked if you are to succeed. ---------------------------------- About the Author:
Vince DelMonte is the author of Your Six Pack Quest found at http://www.YourSixPackQuest.com He specializes in helping chubby guys and gals get six pack abs without gimmicks, supplements or dieting.
Do 10-15 reps on each exercise, moving all the way through the circuit without stopping. Repeat this circuit 2-3 times depending on skill level.
1. Crunch
2. Bicycle Crunch
3. Side to Side Leg Raises
4. Leg Raises
5. Oblique Crunch
6. Side Elbow Plank with Knee Crunch
7. Front Plank with Knee Crunch