Saturday, March 31, 2012

How To Get Ripped Fast

How To Get Ripped Fast

By:  Vince Delmonte

Those with perfect bodies have the following: muscles, a symmetrical and balanced shape, and abs that are well defined. Basically, the idea is to be ripped to the bone and maybe even a little shredded. For those who are unsure of where to begin, I’ll assist you by discussing the points you should concentrate on, such as proper nutrition, aerobic exercises and weight training. With these tips, your body can be ready to hit the beach by next summer.

Figure out Your Starting Point

The people who have not met their bodybuilding goals tend to fall into one of two categories. Either they're the big man who looks ripped in clothing, but when the shirt is stripped from his body has no muscle definition and excess body fat, or he is the skinny guy who has it in his own mind that he is built, but has no muscle mass to support his frame. Whether you’re the big guy who eats the recommended calories and continues to get bigger or you’re the skinny guy with veins bulging from your arms, but lack the big body to be intimidating, you may need some help in the bodybuilding department. Both categories will get a laugh, when entered into a bodybuilding contest.

Start by determining your body type. Are you the lean string bean who needs to add muscle mass, or are you the buff man who needs to lose some of the excess weight? If you said yes to needing to add more muscle mass, then you need a bulking program; however, if you said you need to lean down a little, then you need a fat loss program. Remember, you can’t achieve all your goals at once.

 A Guide to Weight Training
  • Training sessions should last less than 45 minutes, for skinny guys;
  • The main focal points should be on compound movements, rather than isolated movements, for skinny guys;
  • There should be a five percent increase in strength every two weeks for skinny guys;
  • One to two forced reps are the maximum a skinny guy should do to avoid wasting energy;
  • At max, skinny guys should split body parts into a three-day program;
  • If you’re a bulky guy, you can train for 1 hour to 1½ hours to burn extra calories;
  • Unlike a skinny guy’s workout, bulky guys can utilize isolated movements to burn calories;
  • Maintaining strength is a vital aspect of guaranteeing you will not lose muscle, when you’re a bulky guy;
  • Drop sets and pre-exhaust work well for extra energy expenditure, for bulky guys;
  • As a bulky guy, you can spend an increased amount of time on each muscle group, and you can split up body parts over a five-day period.
Nutrition and Getting Ripped
  • A skinny guy should consume approximately 15 times their own body weight in calories to increase muscle mass;
  • Eating at least 1 gram or even 1.5 grams of protein per pound can be beneficial for skinny guys to bulk up;
  • For skinny guys, carbs should be eaten at a 2:1 ratio of carbs to proteins;
  • As a skinny guy, you should include high-quality fats every time you eat a meal;
  • Workout nutritional drinks are an excellent source of calories that skinny guys should be drinking
  • For skinny guys, your largest meals should be consumed at breakfast time and before and after a workout;
  • Potatoes, whole grains, oatmeal and rice contain beneficial nutrition for the skinny guy, and should be consumed in large quantities;
  • For bulky guys, your caloric intake should be equivalent to 10 times your current body weight;
  • As a bulky guy, you should eat about 1 to 1.5 grams of protein for each pound of lean muscle mass you have;
  • A ratio of 1:1 should always be followed. This means bulky guys should eat 1 gram of protein for every 1 gram of carbs;
  • If you’re a bulky guy, you should eat healthy fats only. This includes olive oil, avocados, nuts and flax oil;
  • Bulky guys should never eat solid carbs during a workout. Liquid carbs are the way to go;
  • Carbs that come from fruits and vegetables are the best source of nutrients for a bulky guy.

Cardio is Just as Important as Resistance Training
  • If you’re a skinny guy, only do cardio if your calorie intake is in a 1000-calorie surplus;
  • As a skinny guy, your cardio workout should be as far away from your weights as possible;
  • Skinny guys need less than 20 to 30 minutes of cardio per session;
  • When you’re a skinny guy, you should only do cardio two to four times each week;
  • Prior to doing a cardio workout, skinny guys should always consume enough calories to have a full stomach;
  • A protein-carb workout drink is ideal after a skinny guy works out;
  • Long endurance training should be avoided, for skinny guys;
  • As a bulky guy, you should do cardio directly after your weights;
  • Bulky guys should combine long, slow and interval cardio;
  • If you’re extremely bulky, you may want to consider doing cardio seven to 10 times per week. Don’t exceed this recommendation;
  • In order to lose fat, bulky guys need to do cardio on an empty stomach to lose weight quicker;
  • Sipping on a protein drink will help bulky guys avoid muscle loss.
Now, you have everything you need in order to get ripped fast, no matter if you’re the bulky man or the skinny guy.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Shoulder Training

Here is a shoulder workout for those who don't have a lot of time to spend in the gym, but is very effective for maximal muscle gains.

NOTE:  These 3 exercises are done right after the other making them a GIANT set.  No rest between exercises.  Rest for 2 minutes.  Wash, Rinse, and Repeat.

1.  Shoulder Combo Press 5 sets of 8

2.  Shoulder Y Press 5 sets of 8

3.  Rear Delt Reverse Fly 5 sets of 15-20 reps

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Hitting every muscle fibers tonight on bies and tries!
I've been using Ryan Lees 1K Per Day Formula. To hard to believe? Here's a FREE Webinar Replay:

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A Beginner’s Guide to a Muscle Building Program

A Beginner’s Guide to a
Muscle Building Program

By:  Vince Delmonte 

If you’ve only been training for a under a year, then you’re considered a beginner. For guidance as beginner, you should look toward the muscle-building workout that is illustrated below. The best part of being a newbie is that the most muscle gain will come during the first six to 12 months. This exciting time is when you will see the biggest change in your body and in your life. The only downside is that there isn’t a magic potion or a shortcut to muscle growth. Nevertheless, if you stick to the program, in three month, you’ll be heading in a positive, forward direction, rather than on a negative, backwards path.  Here are a few guidelines to take into consideration prior to beginning:
  • Think big, but too not big.
This is not meant to deter you from wanting big muscles or having big goals; however, you must be realistic or else there’s no real definable point in your goal, and it may actually be counterproductive. Being honest with yourself is crucial to success. Evaluate your level of fitness as it stands to date, and factor that into the equation that defines where you want to be three months from now. Think long-term where you want to be, as well. So set a plan that includes where you want to be in a year and even in two years. You’ll need to be focused on both types of goals, but always keep in mind that short-term goals lead to completing your long-term goals.
  • Don’t assume you weren’t successful if you don’t see overnight results.
My advice to you is to obligate yourself to bodybuilding for at least three months before you evaluate your progress. I’m sure you’re just like me and wish to see results quickly and yesterday. But, this isn’t practical. Overnight results exist, but they’re not the deciding factor, so don’t become frustrated, especially since a total transformation takes time. Celebrate every gain you earn, and make sure you appreciate that sculpting an entire body takes time and patience, and the real victory occurs over time and not in overnight spurts.
  • The time you spend in the gym only comprises part of your to-do list.
When you examine how you’re going to accomplish your goals, the time you spend muscle training is only part of the equation. The time you spend in the gym essentially lays down the foundation for potential muscle growth. Your sleep patterns, the supplements you select, the foods you eat, how much you eat and even when you eat plays a role and acts as the building blocks with which you must lay your foundation. Each one of these aspects will manipulate the rate at which you’ll notice changes in your physique.  We’ve cleaned house; now it’s time to get started on developing your muscle-building program.

A Beginner’s Guide to Muscle Building

When you muscle build as a beginner, you must include 15 different exercises that utilize basic movements You have to factor in a pyramid rep/set scheme, incorporate a change in the order in which you do exercises, train at least three times per week and continue this pattern for three months. You should start every workout with a warm-up consisting of 10 minutes of aerobic exercise, such as running, rowing, walking on an incline or even skipping. Do arm circles (when you move your arms in a circular pattern in both directions) as a light stretching exercise to loosen up tendons, ligaments and tissue in your shoulders. Sweating before you exercise is an excellent way to determine that you’re ready to hit the floor.

Sets, Reps and Rest…oh my!

During your first month, you should perform one to two sets that consist of 15 to 20 reps, increasing the weight of each set. Make sure that each workout is a little heavier than the one before. The time you rest between sets must only be 30 to 60 seconds long.
When you reach month two, you should perform three to four sets that consist of 10 to12 reps, and you should increase the weight after each set. Begin your next workout with a slightly heavier weight than you did the last workout and continue increasing, taking a 60-second breather between each set.
Once you’ve hit month three, start doing three to four sets of six to eight reps, and make sure you’re increasing the weight after each set. Again, begin each workout a little heavier than you did the last one and rest between 60 and 90 seconds between each set.

Switching Up the Routine

If you find that the workout plan is a little too difficult, you may want to break it down into two different days. Do exercises one through seven on Mondays and Thursdays and do exercises eight through 15 on Tuesdays and Fridays. Ultimately, you would have four different muscle building workouts each week, as opposed to two.

Extra Notes
  • · Make sure you are learning the exercises correctly. Either pick up my muscle-building program or hire a personal trainer to teach you the correct way to do each of the exercises.
  • · Think about stretching after each exercise. This benefits your muscle growth and recovery, as well as your flexibility.
  • · Observe the changes you’re making to the order in which you train your muscles, because this prevents muscle imbalance from occurring. Varying your workout regimen gives each muscle group an opportunity to be the first to be trained, which results in these muscles being fresh and being able to go harder.
  • · Familiarize yourself with the exercise. If you’re lifting weights with bad form, you can injure yourself, and you’ll never reach your goal. Remember, it’s not about lifting the heaviest weight.
  • · You’ll have good days and bad days. Some days the weights may seem very heavy. This is normal to have both low-energy days and high-energy days. After you take charge of your diet and recovery, you’ll be able to control your performance better.
  • · Focus on success in the first month, not failure. Reach your rep goals each time and do extra reps for a more difficult workout. Keep progressing each month and just be patient. Know the movements, before you push your weight limits.
  • · In some cases, changes to your body will not occur until your second month or sometimes even the third. Trust the program and allow your motivation to increase - don’t let this hinder you in achieving your goals.
  • · Complete each of your workouts with at least 10 minutes of cardio and conclude with some light stretching that focuses on your tighter muscle groups.

Once you’ve reached your third month, you’ll have a strong base to continue to work on. You’ll be strong with a shapely physique. Even your mental and physical state will have been affected in a positive manner. After you’ve arrived at this pivotal point, it’s time to make alterations to your program and concentrate on the larger goals. With this being said, your first three months need to be the same, in order to create that strong foundation. Remember, there is not a single perfect product or program. You’ll learn what works best for you as you progress. Please leave comments about your training experience as a beginner. If you’re not a beginner, leave some tips for the beginners. If you enjoyed reading this, please click the “Like” button below.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

21 Must Known Facts To Muscle Building

As you continuously approach your fitness goals, you eventually hit a plateau, which occurs when you've nearly reached your ideal fitness level. At this point, you're basically stuck at one level, but you can take it to the next level easier than you make think.

Everyone who does resistance training―from newbies to professional bodybuilders―will hit this point, but what's important is knowing how to increase your productivity and enhance your workout, and with these 21 facts, you can definitely reach your fitness goals faster.

1. Are you exactly the same as your neighbor, or for that matter, even your sibling? Since we'll assume you answered, “No,” you must understand that everyone is different and doesn't respond to the same muscle building techniques; therefore, you should alternate the speed of your repetitions for optimal results.

2. What your parents gave you doesn't have to determine your goals. You should achieve your fitness objectives despite any genetic barriers you may have―i.e. a high BMI.

3. Establish your goals on paper. Research indicates that when a person writes down detailed goals with deadlines to meet, that the individual has a specific path to follow and is more likely to be successful at achieving that goal.

4. Age is nothing but a number, so don't let your age be a factor in achieving your goals, especially since you can't change this number. Focus on what you can control, such as your sleeping patterns.

5. Find a workout buddy. When you have someone to push you, you'll work harder than you would alone.

6. Keep in mind the ratio 10:1, because you generally need to gain 10 lbs for every inch of girth you add to your arm size. For instance, a majority of people gaining 50 lbs during the course of five years will also gain five inches in their arms.

7. Prior to increasing speed or resistance, increase the range of motion first, meaning you should fully contract and stretch your muscles. If you don’t, you’ll only receive partial results.

8. You need at least eight hours of sleep per night to build muscles, so aim to get this many winks as much as possible. Remember, a few late nights won't hurt, but making it a habit will take a toll on your target fitness level.

9. Stay hydrated! Your body needs at least 1 gallon or 16 cups of water per day for proper muscle growth. The composition of your body is 70 percent water, and in order for your body to maintain an anabolic state, water is essential.

10. Consume raw vegetables whenever you can. Cooking veggies removes much of their nutritional value. In fact, boiling these healthy treats removes between 50 to 75 percent of their nutrients. You may steam them, if you can't eat them raw, but never boil them.

11. Eggs are an excellent source of protein and despite their bad reputation, they're one of the healthiest foods you can select, especially for bodybuilding.

12. If you don't have one already, go out and purchase a blender. The amount of calories that you must eat as a bodybuilder are much easier to consume in liquid form. This vital piece of equipment is definitely important if you have a busy lifestyle that doesn't allow you to eat every three to four hours.

13. When you go grocery stopping, stick to shopping in the outer aisles. These aisles are typically where the fresh dairy and meat are located. The inner portion of the grocery store consists of processed foods and canned goods that should be avoided if you want to build muscle fast.

14. Never use a supplement in place of a meal. You must put food before supplements, so that you're consuming all the nutrients you need for bodybuilding. The nutrition you receive from foods surpasses that of a supplement.

15. In regards to supplements, creatine stands out as the top bodybuilding supplement. Beginning in the 90s, creatine has been at the top of supplement charts and has not seen a decrease in popularity since. The daily dosage recommendations vary; however, the most common dosage schedule consists of taking 20-30 grams for the first 5-7 days, then reducing the amount to 3-5 grams per day.

16. Maybe you don't have enough energy to workout, or maybe you want to increase the amount of time you workout. If either of these scenarios are the case, you should choose coffee for a pick-me-up, since it contains a mild stimulant known as caffeine. Caffeine is an inexpensive and safe performance enhancer.

17. You wouldn't drive your car without warming it up on a cold day, so why would you exercise without getting your body warmed up? Get those muscles warm to avoid injury while working out. Complete at least five to 10 minutes of stretching, in addition to some light cardio before you begin heavy lifting.

18. You've heard before that cheaters never prosper, but in certain cases, this isn't true. Although cheating to finish a set quicker or to lift more weight isn't positive, cheating on the last few reps makes the weight feel easier. This stimulates more muscle fibers with greater intensity.

19. Play nice and take turns! The you-go, I-go concept leads to an intense workout, because after you do a set, your partner immediately does one after you, then before you know it, it’s your turn again. You both use the same weights, but you take turns without any rests in between, and you see who can do the most reps per set. Try this technique with your workout buddy when you do barbell curls or other simple exercises.

20. During the 1940s and 1950s, Reg Park and Vince Gironda made a super intense technique for bodybuilding popular, which consisted of doing 10 sets of 10. This old-school procedure may have a modern name of “German volume technique;” however, this has been a preferred method to build muscles for quite some time. It causes your muscles to grow rapidly. Basically, you should do 10 sets of 10 reps for one body part at a time. Then, you should superset at two different body parts each workout. Make sure you don’t rest for more than a minute in between each exercise. Use this regimen for three weeks, and then return to a more traditional approach.

21. Switch up your routine. After three weeks, you should change your program completely. Basically, it should be opposite of the original order you did the exercises in. For instance, if you worked on your chest first, you should do it last next time. If you worked on abs on Monday, you should do them on Friday next time. Change up the amount of sets you do, as well.

Vince Delmonte

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Why do I get that butterfly feeling in the pit of my stomach, right before I do legs?

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Shoulder For Busy Guys.

Here is a shoulder workout that's quick yet very effective.  If you don't have a whole lot of time to spend in the gym or you want to get a quick shoulder workout at home, all you need is some dumbbells and a bench.  The shoulders is the starting point when you are striving to get a V-Taper Physique.  I will be releasing a program that's tailored to getting that v taper physique in a few short months.  Be on the look out for that one.

1.  First exercise 8 reps 

2.  Second 8 reps

3.  Third 15-20 reps

Note:  All these exercises are done back to back to back.  These are called Giant sets, there is no rest in between exercises.   After you complete the first circuit you can rest for only 60 seconds.  Rinse, Wash, and Repeat for four more circuits making it a total of five.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Lunch Break

Lunch Break

By: Tim Ernst

I've been noticing a trend lately at my job of what people are eating for lunch. The people I've been noticing are people in their 20's who have very unhealthy eating habits. Most of these people are skinny guys that appear to be either lazy to eat right or trying to gain weight. I think that in their minds they think that by eating anything they want it will some how help them to gain weight or does it?

These guys are known as hard gainers. They can eat anything they want and not gain weight. What they don't realize is what their putting into their body's will eventually do more harm than good.

Just the other day while I was eating my lunch I saw a guy who looked pretty skinny throw down a whole box of twinkies and washed it down with a bottle of soda. I watched him eat one by one until he was finished. I thought if only he knew what he was doing to himself he might rethink what he was doing. He looked pale, skinny, and just unhealthy.

You see anything you put into your body, it has to break it down. So what happens when you put something unhealthy into your body? Your body needs certain nutrients to break down food so if you are eating unhealthy foods that do not have certain nutrients, your body has no choice but to pull those nutrients from somewhere.
Your body is going to pull those nutrients from either muscle or bones to break it down leaving you looking unhealthy, skinny, and pale.

So the next time you think that by eating a twinkie is going to somehow help with gaining weight, you might want to consider replacing those foods with more nutritious foods. Its like they say, "Garbage in Garbage Out".

Have questions? Post them here and I'll do my best to get back with you.