Hitting the gym to do my MI40 training/Back and Hams. Got to build those Lats for that V-Taper Physique.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Thursday, January 26, 2012
MI 40 Traing Program

First off, I want to thank you for your interest in my product. I aim to give you the absolute best quality product that exists, as well as the best possible technical support for all of your questions, concerns, and comments.
I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself and tell you a little bit about my new Muscle Building Program.
My name is Ben Pakulski , the author and creator of MI40. I will start off by answering the question most commonly asked. What is the significance of the name?
The name, MI40 - “Mass Intentions” is significant to this program because it is representative of the conscious INTENT, to create TENSION in the muscle, as well as the pun of overall mass creation.
The number 40, is the most important number in this program because it is the number that has the most scientific significance in MI40. 40 is representative of the number of days in the program (40 days), the amount of time in a set (40 seconds), the rest between sets (40 seconds), and the number of exercises used in constructing this muscle building protocol.
Many of you will immediately recognize the scientific significance of all of these numbers and some of you may not. The number 40 was chosen because of it being the MOST optimal number for many of these variables.
As will be explained in the program, 40 days has been proven to be the most optimal amount of time to adapt to any new training program (6weeks). 40 seconds is the ideal amount of “Time under Tension”(TUT) to illicit muscular hypertrophy. 40 seconds rest is the ideal amount of time to allow your CP and ATP Glycolytic energy pathways to recover before the next set (these are the energy pathways that drive muscular contraction of fast twitch muscle fibers which are responsible for growth!).
To tell you all a little about myself, I am a graduate of the University of Western Ontario. My areas of study were primarily Kinesiology, and Biomechanics.
My passion for health and fitness is second only to my passion for helping others improve their lives. I live my life by the acronym

I have never viewed myself as an overly blessed individual, which is why my life is always centered on learning the best information, from the best resources and brightest people that exist. 14 years of seeking the best information and applying just about every possible technique on myself , has brought me to where I am today. A very successful, happy, healthy, motivated -professional bodybuilder, author, public speaker, nutrition coach, celebrity trainer and success coach. Sounds like a lot of hats, but they all tie into one balanced life…. Sometimes! ☺
The 2 main principles (or as Vince would reference them – “hooks” and Unique Selling Propositions) set forth in MI40 are the concepts that I deem to be most greatly contributing to holding people back from achieving their goals! “The WEAKEST LINKS!!” Here are the two problems MI40 Solves:
1) Most people have no idea how to feel how to “feel” their muscles, and therefore have little idea how to exhaust and build these muscles. ‘Intentions’ the ideal tool to assist them in doing so.
2) Then there is the idea of creating sufficient overload to stimulate a muscle to grow. Many people spend way too much time in the gym trying to “train” and exhaust a muscle group.
NOS has been designed to get the MAXIMUM efficacy in the shortest amount of time. It will fatigue the muscle faster and create the most optimal hormonal environment to illicit the growth response. Keeping the workout time shorter, means less cortisol (muscle breakdown) and therefore better body composition and muscle growth!
As many of you may already know, in a manner consistent with my approach to all aspects of life, I have gone out and sought “the best”. I have hired marketing genius and fitness pro, Vince DelMonte as my campaign manager for MI40. After spending quite a bit of time with Vince in prepping him for his competitions in 2011, I knew Vince was the guy to help me launch my muscle-building baby to the world! Vince is becoming renowned for his consistent low-to-mid 6-figure launch records. I believe in the product I have created, and I want to share my knowledge and expertise with as many people as I can.
I truly believe that this product has the science, the practical basis, the structure and format to help anyone that comes in contact with it. I want your help in spreading this knowledge and passion with the world!
Yours in fitness, health and passion, Benjamin Pakulski
A short message from your launch manager… Vince Del Monte
MI40 – What is the hook?
First, MI stands for MASS INTENTIONS and INTENTIONS is Ben’s trademark technique that addresses the problem of not being able to go heavier and heavier with your weights unless you wish to carry more risk than reward.
Going heavier isn’t your best option, especially after a few years of lifting, if you want to stimulate muscle growth and you most look to other solutions. With INTENTIONS you change the angle of pushing or pulling by means of a technique almost imperceptible to an observer. You push inward or pull outward with your hands or feet as you perform an exercise. I was introduced to intentions in December 2010 and ever since, my body has never looked the same. You’ve seen my pictures! Intentions literally RE MOLDED my body. On lat pulldowns as I pulled the bar down, I tried to pull my hands apart. They didn’t actually move on the bar, but that different motion made my lats fire in a different way, and my back was more sore the next day than it had been in months.
In the MI40 DVD, Ben teaches you how to apply INTENTIONS to virtually every exercise, not an easy task if you’re untrained in biomechanics and kinesiology (Ben holds a degree from the University of Western Ontario in Kinesiology). On barbell presses for chest, for example, you try to push your hands together. One thing is certain: Forget about using your normal weights. Typically, I do work sets with 180 to 230 pounds on lat pulldowns to the front; at that recent back workout I didn’t need to go any heavier than 150. As I said, though, the feeling in the lats was completely different.
We often play around with grip widths and experiment with pushing and pulling angles, but with intentions you introduce a variable that can awaken dormant muscle fibers and stimulate them in fresh, new ways. Pakulski has used intentions to get more out of exercises like leg presses, squats, barbell rows, bench presses and overhead presses—really anything that has you pushing or pulling both limbs at once on a bar or roller pad. It’s helped him become ripped at 270, place Top 10 at the Arnold Pro Show, Top 5 at the Flex Pro show and on his way to qualifying for the Mr. Olympia next year! INTENTIONS is 100% unique and will breath new life into your workouts. More important, it stimulates new muscle growth based on science and biomechanics, not bro science.
MI40 – What’s up with the number 40?
Ben already explained this but lets review it once
more to ensure you know exactly what you’re endorsing. You and your
list are 

This is the exact workout I followed in prep of the WBFF World Championships and here’s a reminder that it works!
As you can see, MI40 did not transform my body, it literally RE MOLDED it and it’ll do the same for you.
MI40 – How is MI40 different
than every other muscle program?
Aside from Ben’s trademark technique Intentions
and the science behind the number 40 (we can explain why 40 is
scientifically optimally for every variable above), we have…. NOS! than every other muscle program?
I’ll let Ben explain NOS to you…
Join the NOS revolution:
For years, I had been searching for the best way to overload my muscles each and every time I go in the gym. I know you can relate to those days when you worked “hard” but still feel like you could have done more. Leaving the gym feeling like there was more in the tank or maybe getting home and regretting not pushing harder?! I CRAVED something that would ensure that my muscles are taken to their limit, and CREATE NEW GROWTH!
This is when I discovered NOS!
My training partner and I had been coming up with creative ways to inflict pain on each other during leg workouts for years. I remember daydreaming of ways to make workouts harder. My goal was to leave the gym knowing I had BLASTED every last muscle fiber, and to have my training partner talking about how he had never experienced muscle pumps and growth like this.
“Straight sets” just didn’t seem to do the trick anymore. Ya sure I felt a decent pump, but it just didn’t seem to be the type of intensity that I KNEW I needed to grow!
FACT: A “straight set” will NEVER cause the type of neurological adaptation, hormonal response, and thereby GROWTH that a NOS set will.
Being a research junky I had always read about overloading the muscle and overloading the nervous system to stimulate new muscle and strength gains respectively. Time under tension was proven to be the number one factor correlated with muscle growth and overload!
Something clicked in my brain! Time under MAXIMAL TENSION! This had to be better than just time under tension!! And so, my GROWTH BABY was born!
If I could use the maximum amount of weight I could handle for strict form for the greatest amount of time possible, growth was inevitable! The only catch is, that ITS HARD!
NOS is something that I have been using religiously ever since. Perfecting its components. I use it to get ready for my contests and in my offseason. Straight sets are now a thing of the past.
The science behind NOS: Neurological Overload Set.
The NOS system has been specifically designed to ensure a maximal MUSCLE OVERLOAD! The greatest number of muscle fibers are broken down or exhausted. Taking your muscles to such an exhausted state also causes the highest possible release amount of growth hormones and growth factors within a working muscle! Without these, you can train all day and eat a perfect diet and expect ZERO growth. This is one of the main reasons why so many people train often, train “hard” and see minimal results. They never reach that “overload-anabolic state.”
Now this Math I LIKE!
How to: NOS
NOS is completed by performing an “extended set”.
The goal here is to extend the set for as long as possible while maintaining tension on the working muscle, and perfect form!
Start the set with a weight that you can use for a strict 8 repetitions. After completing your first 8 repetitions, decrease the weight by 20%(if youre using 100lbs, you would decrease by 20lbs, etc.) Immediately continue to perform as many repetitions as you can with the second weight (usually 5-8 reps). Repeat this process 4 times total. (You will complete 3 drops, therefore 4 “sets”-100,80,60,40lbs).
DO NOT allow your form to stray in an attempt to complete more reps. If anything, decrease the size of the Range of Motion (ROM) (“partials”), just make sure to be initiating the movement with the working muscle from a fully stretched position.
MI40 – What does the product look like?
Component 1The 40 Day MASS Intelligence Training Manual
Component 2
The 40 Day MASS Consumption Nutrition Manual
Component 3
The 40 Day MASS Instruction Workout Videos
Component 4
The 40 Day MASS Proportions Exercise Demo Guide
Component 5
The 40 Day MASS Prescription Printable Workout Sheets
Component 6
The 40 Day MASS Pursuit Calendar
Component 7
The 40 Day MASS Supplement Stack Protocol
Component 8
The Sciene & Story Behind NOS & Intentions Audio Interview
Muscle Buillding PIZZA
So today I'm giving away one of the top recipes from Anabolic Cookingso you can reward yourself with a delicious treat after a super tough workout.
I like it because there are no harmful additives that normally go into regular take-out pizza. Imagine, enjoying pizza guilt-free while still building muscle! And this only takes 20-25 minutes to make or just 15 minutes if you have all the ingredients before hand.
Don't forget, Anabolic Cooking doubles in price on Sunday night. This week only you can save $40 off the regular price.
CHICKEN PIZZA! (Directly from Anabolic Cooking)
• 6oz of diced Chicken Breasts
• 2 Tbsp of Perfect Spaghetti Sauce (see Salads, Soups and Sides section)
or any healthy commercial spaghetti sauce. The Perfect Spaghetti Sauce
can be found on page 152 of Anabolic Cooking.
• 1/3 cup of low-fat Mozzarella
• 1 Whole Wheat Pita Bread
• 1/4 cup sliced Mushrooms
• 1/4 cup diced Green Pepper
• 1/4 cup diced Red Pepper
• 1/4 cup chopped onions
• Salt and Pepper
1. Cook chicken separately.
2. Spread Spaghetti Sauce on one side of the Pita Bread
3. Top with chicken and veggies
4. Sprinkle with mozzarella cheese, salt and pepper
5. Bake in Oven at 375 Degrees F. for 15 minutes or until pita bread is crusty.
***Cool Tip from the Muscle Cook: when the Pizza is nearly done, turn
it to broil and watch carefully as the cheese turns to a golden brown
just like the real thing.
Nutritional Facts (Per Serving)
• Calories: 410
• Protein: 44g
• Carbohydrates: 36g
• Fat: 10g
==> The Best Muscle Building Recipes! More Than 200 Anabolicious Recipes!
I like it because there are no harmful additives that normally go into regular take-out pizza. Imagine, enjoying pizza guilt-free while still building muscle! And this only takes 20-25 minutes to make or just 15 minutes if you have all the ingredients before hand.
Don't forget, Anabolic Cooking doubles in price on Sunday night. This week only you can save $40 off the regular price.
CHICKEN PIZZA! (Directly from Anabolic Cooking)
• 6oz of diced Chicken Breasts
• 2 Tbsp of Perfect Spaghetti Sauce (see Salads, Soups and Sides section)
or any healthy commercial spaghetti sauce. The Perfect Spaghetti Sauce
can be found on page 152 of Anabolic Cooking.
• 1/3 cup of low-fat Mozzarella
• 1 Whole Wheat Pita Bread
• 1/4 cup sliced Mushrooms
• 1/4 cup diced Green Pepper
• 1/4 cup diced Red Pepper
• 1/4 cup chopped onions
• Salt and Pepper
1. Cook chicken separately.
2. Spread Spaghetti Sauce on one side of the Pita Bread
3. Top with chicken and veggies
4. Sprinkle with mozzarella cheese, salt and pepper
5. Bake in Oven at 375 Degrees F. for 15 minutes or until pita bread is crusty.
***Cool Tip from the Muscle Cook: when the Pizza is nearly done, turn
it to broil and watch carefully as the cheese turns to a golden brown
just like the real thing.
Nutritional Facts (Per Serving)
• Calories: 410
• Protein: 44g
• Carbohydrates: 36g
• Fat: 10g
==> The Best Muscle Building Recipes! More Than 200 Anabolicious Recipes!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Fat Burning Chicken Nuggets?
Here is a very simple recipe that will make any meal plan a lot easier to follow!
It's super easy to prepare. It will take you about 2-3 minutes to prepare and only requires 15 minutes of baking time.
On again I took it from my good friend Dave Ruel's Anabolic Cooking Cookbook that is on sale this week for the release of it's brand new edition:
The Best Bodybuiding and Fitness Cookbook <= at more than half off
But be careful, just like some of my other recipes, these nuggets are highly addictive, and their flavor will put to shame these greasy disgusting McDonald's ultra fat nugget!
Here's the recipe!
Makes 6 Servings
- 3 x 6oz boneless, skinless chicken breasts - 1/4 cup oat bran - 1/4 cup of wheat germ - 1 Tbsp ground flaxseed - 1/4 cup ground almonds - 1/2 teaspoon sea salt - 1/2 teaspoon ground pepper - Garlic powder (pinch) - 1/2 cup water or low-sodium chicken broth - 1 large egg white
1. Preheat oven to 400 Degrees F. Prepare baking sheet by lining with parchment paper or coating lightly with best-quality olive oil. 2. Cut chicken breasts into nugget-sized pieces, about 1.5 inches square. Set aside. 3. Next, combine all dry ingredients in a large container with a tightly fitting lid. Shake well. This is your coating mixture. 4. Combine water and egg in a medium bowl. Dip each piece in the water/egg-white mixture. Then dip each piece in the coating mixture. Make sure each piece is well coated. 5. Place on the baking sheet. When all of your chicken has been coated and your baking sheet is full, place in the oven and bake for about 15 minutes or until golden.
Nutritional Facts
(Per Serving - 4 Nuggets)
Calories: 148 Protein: 22g Carbohydrates: 6g Fat: 4g
If you want more recipes like this, I'd suggest you go check out Dave's website, he's giving us a killer deal this week:
The Best Bodybuiding and Fitness Cookbook <= at more than half off
It's super easy to prepare. It will take you about 2-3 minutes to prepare and only requires 15 minutes of baking time.
On again I took it from my good friend Dave Ruel's Anabolic Cooking Cookbook that is on sale this week for the release of it's brand new edition:
The Best Bodybuiding and Fitness Cookbook <= at more than half off
But be careful, just like some of my other recipes, these nuggets are highly addictive, and their flavor will put to shame these greasy disgusting McDonald's ultra fat nugget!
Here's the recipe!
Makes 6 Servings
- 3 x 6oz boneless, skinless chicken breasts - 1/4 cup oat bran - 1/4 cup of wheat germ - 1 Tbsp ground flaxseed - 1/4 cup ground almonds - 1/2 teaspoon sea salt - 1/2 teaspoon ground pepper - Garlic powder (pinch) - 1/2 cup water or low-sodium chicken broth - 1 large egg white
1. Preheat oven to 400 Degrees F. Prepare baking sheet by lining with parchment paper or coating lightly with best-quality olive oil. 2. Cut chicken breasts into nugget-sized pieces, about 1.5 inches square. Set aside. 3. Next, combine all dry ingredients in a large container with a tightly fitting lid. Shake well. This is your coating mixture. 4. Combine water and egg in a medium bowl. Dip each piece in the water/egg-white mixture. Then dip each piece in the coating mixture. Make sure each piece is well coated. 5. Place on the baking sheet. When all of your chicken has been coated and your baking sheet is full, place in the oven and bake for about 15 minutes or until golden.
Nutritional Facts
(Per Serving - 4 Nuggets)
Calories: 148 Protein: 22g Carbohydrates: 6g Fat: 4g
If you want more recipes like this, I'd suggest you go check out Dave's website, he's giving us a killer deal this week:
The Best Bodybuiding and Fitness Cookbook <= at more than half off
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Hitting the gym to do legs. If you're not nervous before you go into the gym, your not training hard enough. http://ping.fm/VeWAt
Monday, January 23, 2012
3 Must-Know tips to fight "Ana-Metabolic" adaptation
Hey Guys I got something new and exciting for you today.
Did you realize that your nutrition is about 90% of game
when trying to build muscle?
You can train day in and day out and get 0 results if your nutrition sucks.
Whatever you put into your stomach gets digested in some form or another.
You need to put the right nutrients into your body to get the desired muscle you
want. Check out this shocking article on Ana-Metabolic Adaptation.
Do you know what the "Ana-Metabolic Adaptation" phenomenon is?
Well, in layman terms this is basically the ability your body has to adapt to certain foods that are consumed over and over again on a regular basis.
To give you an example:
If you eat pretty much the same type of foods day in and day out, your body will get used to them and it will consequently slow down your metabolism.
Now this SUCKS because a slow metabolism
means you'll lose lean muscle and gain body fat...
The exact OPPOSITE of what we actually want to do!
So here are 3 easy tips that you can start using right away to help avoid this dreaded "Ana-metabolic Adaptation" from ever occurring in your body...
#1: Vary Your Macro-Nutrient Sources!
It is absolutely critical that you frequently rotate your food choices. For example, do not rely on chicken breasts, canned tuna, and protein shakes as your ONLY protein sources.
Make sure to get a wide variety of protein from other food sources such as lean cuts of beef, lamb, pork, wild game, etc. Include all kinds of fish and seafood in your nutrition program. Also make sure to include eggs / egg whites and dairy products to get a wide spectrum of high quality protein sources.
#2: Use Spices!
Not only will spices add taste, flavor, and excitement to your meals. But the latest research has revealed that cooking with spices like Cinnamon, Garlic, and Ginger can jack up your metabolism, control your blood sugar, and improve your insulin resistance.
All of these things will help you strip away those excess pounds of stubborn blubber while ensuring that the calories you eat get shuttled towards building lean rock hard muscle mass!
#3: Strategically Time Your Nutrient Intake!
It is a proven fact that consuming the right nutrients at the right times, can more then DOUBLE the Anabolic and Metabolic response you get from the foods you eat.
Basically it's not just "What You Eat", but "When You Eat It" that has a HUGE impact on your muscle building & fat loss results!
Now I can't go into a whole lot of detail about all the specific times in this short e-mail, but I will say this... First thing in the morning when you wake up and right after your workouts are 2 of the most critical times of the day when you NEED to consume high quality muscle building nutrition.
So there are 3 killer tips that you can use to keep your Muscle-Building and Fat-Burning hormones running at their full optimal Anabolic and Metabolic capacity!
And if you'd like to beat this process and get access to the Best tool for it, the new edition of the best-selling cookbook
Anabolic Cooking is on sale this week.
Be sure to check out:
The Best Body buiding and Fitness Cookbook <= at more than half off
The "Anabolic Cooking" recipes and approach were purposely designed with all of these specific nutritional concepts in mind.
This is so much more than just another "Bodybuilding Cookbook".
This is a Very Powerful Nutritional Tool that anyone can use to take their physique to the next level. While at the same time increasing your strength, energy, and stamina simultaneously!
You see your body works like a machine, and just like any machine, it runs a heck of a lot better when you fuel it properly. So don't settle for less then the best you can be!
"Anabolic Cooking" is by far the best cookbook and complete nutrition guide out there for maximizing your results and avoiding the pitfalls of "Ana-Metabolic Adaptation".
And... for the next couple days you can have your very own copy of this killer Muscle-Building & Fat-Burning Nutritional Tool for cheaper!
Grab your copy now at ===> Get Anabolic Cooking for less!
Tim Ernst
Well, in layman terms this is basically the ability your body has to adapt to certain foods that are consumed over and over again on a regular basis.
To give you an example:
If you eat pretty much the same type of foods day in and day out, your body will get used to them and it will consequently slow down your metabolism.
Now this SUCKS because a slow metabolism
means you'll lose lean muscle and gain body fat...
The exact OPPOSITE of what we actually want to do!
So here are 3 easy tips that you can start using right away to help avoid this dreaded "Ana-metabolic Adaptation" from ever occurring in your body...
#1: Vary Your Macro-Nutrient Sources!
It is absolutely critical that you frequently rotate your food choices. For example, do not rely on chicken breasts, canned tuna, and protein shakes as your ONLY protein sources.
Make sure to get a wide variety of protein from other food sources such as lean cuts of beef, lamb, pork, wild game, etc. Include all kinds of fish and seafood in your nutrition program. Also make sure to include eggs / egg whites and dairy products to get a wide spectrum of high quality protein sources.
#2: Use Spices!
Not only will spices add taste, flavor, and excitement to your meals. But the latest research has revealed that cooking with spices like Cinnamon, Garlic, and Ginger can jack up your metabolism, control your blood sugar, and improve your insulin resistance.
All of these things will help you strip away those excess pounds of stubborn blubber while ensuring that the calories you eat get shuttled towards building lean rock hard muscle mass!
#3: Strategically Time Your Nutrient Intake!
It is a proven fact that consuming the right nutrients at the right times, can more then DOUBLE the Anabolic and Metabolic response you get from the foods you eat.
Basically it's not just "What You Eat", but "When You Eat It" that has a HUGE impact on your muscle building & fat loss results!
Now I can't go into a whole lot of detail about all the specific times in this short e-mail, but I will say this... First thing in the morning when you wake up and right after your workouts are 2 of the most critical times of the day when you NEED to consume high quality muscle building nutrition.
So there are 3 killer tips that you can use to keep your Muscle-Building and Fat-Burning hormones running at their full optimal Anabolic and Metabolic capacity!
And if you'd like to beat this process and get access to the Best tool for it, the new edition of the best-selling cookbook
Anabolic Cooking is on sale this week.
Be sure to check out:
The Best Body buiding and Fitness Cookbook <= at more than half off
The "Anabolic Cooking" recipes and approach were purposely designed with all of these specific nutritional concepts in mind.
This is so much more than just another "Bodybuilding Cookbook".
This is a Very Powerful Nutritional Tool that anyone can use to take their physique to the next level. While at the same time increasing your strength, energy, and stamina simultaneously!
You see your body works like a machine, and just like any machine, it runs a heck of a lot better when you fuel it properly. So don't settle for less then the best you can be!
"Anabolic Cooking" is by far the best cookbook and complete nutrition guide out there for maximizing your results and avoiding the pitfalls of "Ana-Metabolic Adaptation".
And... for the next couple days you can have your very own copy of this killer Muscle-Building & Fat-Burning Nutritional Tool for cheaper!
Grab your copy now at ===> Get Anabolic Cooking for less!
Tim Ernst
Friday, January 20, 2012
Just because it's Friday Night doesn't mean you pass up your training. Serious people need apply, so suck it up!
Monday, January 16, 2012
Hey guys I ran across this inspirational video for anyone wanting to succeed. How badly do you want to succeed? Watch this video and you will see what it really takes to crack the code to success.
The Meat and Nut Breakfast
One thing I learned last year on how to build quality muscle when it comes to nutrition was what I ate for the first meal of the day, Breakfast. What you eat for breakfast sets up your entire neurotransmitter production for the day. Most people may eat a high carbohydrate meal as their first meal, but doing this can slow your progress to staying lean while building muscle at the same time.
Meal 1: The Meat & Nuts Breakfast (Protein + Fats)
8 oz of buffalo patties + 2 whole organic eggs + 1 oz of mixed nuts.
Why?: The single best dietary tip I learned in 2011 to optimize leanness, energy and concentration is rotating different meats and nuts for breakfast. The meat allows for a slow and steady rise in blood sugar. The nuts provide a great source of healthy smart fats that allows the blood sugar to remain stable for an extended period of time. Rotate your meats and nuts every few days. Turkey, chicken, venison, buffalo, ground beef, sirloin or wild game are great. Rotate your nut sources from almonds, cashews, pecans, walnuts and brazil nuts. What about if you are allergic to nuts? I then recommend you a portion of the following low glycemic/low fructose fruits with your breakfast:
I also add two whole organic eggs and veggies. This breakfast takes less than five minutes to prepare and has become one of my staples for managing leanness and work productivity. Try it for a week and tell me the difference.
Tomorrow I'll share what I eat before I train hard in the gym for maximal muscle growth along with supplementation.
Keep Crushing IT!
Meal 1: The Meat & Nuts Breakfast (Protein + Fats)
8 oz of buffalo patties + 2 whole organic eggs + 1 oz of mixed nuts.
Why?: The single best dietary tip I learned in 2011 to optimize leanness, energy and concentration is rotating different meats and nuts for breakfast. The meat allows for a slow and steady rise in blood sugar. The nuts provide a great source of healthy smart fats that allows the blood sugar to remain stable for an extended period of time. Rotate your meats and nuts every few days. Turkey, chicken, venison, buffalo, ground beef, sirloin or wild game are great. Rotate your nut sources from almonds, cashews, pecans, walnuts and brazil nuts. What about if you are allergic to nuts? I then recommend you a portion of the following low glycemic/low fructose fruits with your breakfast:
I also add two whole organic eggs and veggies. This breakfast takes less than five minutes to prepare and has become one of my staples for managing leanness and work productivity. Try it for a week and tell me the difference.
Tomorrow I'll share what I eat before I train hard in the gym for maximal muscle growth along with supplementation.
Keep Crushing IT!
Friday, January 13, 2012
How To Build Thicker and Bigger GUNS
Hey guys, here's me after an intense Bicep workout. I wanted to share with you my routine to building bigger GUNS
How To Build Thicker and Bigger GUNS
One of the body parts that gets noticed on any male physique is arms. You can usually tell right away if a guy trains hard in the gym by noticing his guns. Now most guys want a thicker chest or even that "V-Taper" look, but biceps get easily noticed because their not covered up by clothing unless you wear a long sleeve shirt.
Imagine walking around in life and someone comes right up to you and asks, "Do you work out?" Now that's a great feeling!
Well, today I put together a bicep routine that will have your muscles screaming and splitting out of your skin.
Here's the routine
Note: Rest for 40 sec between each set
Preacher Machine Curl
Set 1. Warm Up
Set 2. Warm Up
Set 3. 90% Your Max Weight/8 Reps
Set 4. 8 Reps
Set 5. 8 Reps
Set 6. 8 Reps then drop the weight by 20% 3 times each. In other words, on your last set you are going to drop the weight 3 times by 20% each time.
Next you're going to do a Tri Set. This means you will do three different movements (exercises) back to back with no rest until you get to your last exercise, then you rest for 40 sec and repeat 3 more times. When you reach your 4th set for each exercise do a drop set like the one above. All these are at least 8 reps as well.
To finish off the workout, do some rubber band curls tied around something and pull towards your face. Keep your arms and elbows high and start curling towards your face as quickly as you can. When you start to fatigue, move a little forward for less resistance. Keep doing this until you completely burn out your muscles to failure.
After doing this bicep workout, your going to feel like your arms were just ran over by a truck!
if you have any questions leave a comment here
==>http://timernstfitness.com or my fan page here==>http://www.facebook.com/TimmErnstFitness
How To Build Thicker and Bigger GUNS
One of the body parts that gets noticed on any male physique is arms. You can usually tell right away if a guy trains hard in the gym by noticing his guns. Now most guys want a thicker chest or even that "V-Taper" look, but biceps get easily noticed because their not covered up by clothing unless you wear a long sleeve shirt.
Imagine walking around in life and someone comes right up to you and asks, "Do you work out?" Now that's a great feeling!
Well, today I put together a bicep routine that will have your muscles screaming and splitting out of your skin.
Here's the routine
Note: Rest for 40 sec between each set
Preacher Machine Curl
Set 1. Warm Up
Set 2. Warm Up
Set 3. 90% Your Max Weight/8 Reps
Set 4. 8 Reps
Set 5. 8 Reps
Set 6. 8 Reps then drop the weight by 20% 3 times each. In other words, on your last set you are going to drop the weight 3 times by 20% each time.
Next you're going to do a Tri Set. This means you will do three different movements (exercises) back to back with no rest until you get to your last exercise, then you rest for 40 sec and repeat 3 more times. When you reach your 4th set for each exercise do a drop set like the one above. All these are at least 8 reps as well.
To finish off the workout, do some rubber band curls tied around something and pull towards your face. Keep your arms and elbows high and start curling towards your face as quickly as you can. When you start to fatigue, move a little forward for less resistance. Keep doing this until you completely burn out your muscles to failure.
After doing this bicep workout, your going to feel like your arms were just ran over by a truck!
if you have any questions leave a comment here
==>http://timernstfitness.com or my fan page here==>http://www.facebook.com/TimmErnstFitness
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Hey guys here is a FREE recipe from Dave Ruel's Metabolic Cooking Book.
Try it and let me know how it turns out.
Apple Oatmeal Pancakes

Makes 1 Serving (4 to 6 small pancakes)
• 6 egg whites• ½ cup oatmeal (dry)
• 1 tablespoon unsweetened apple sauce
• Pinch of cinnamon powder
• Pinch of stevia
• 1 apple, diced finely
• ¼ teaspoon baking soda
• Cooking spray
1. First heat a frying pan until hot and then reduce to medium
temperature. After mixing together all the ingredients in a blender
(except for the diced apple), spray some pam (or other cooking spray),
drop by spoonful onto the pan.2. When bubbles start to form, place evenly on pancake some of the diced apple.
3. Let them set in before flipping the pancake.
4. Makes about 4-6 pancakes depending on the size.
Nutritional Facts
(Per Serving)
Hitting the gym to do Legs! Neglecting legs is short changing your physique as a whole. When working legs you release growth hormones.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
New Rules To Gaining The Muscle,
An Eye-Opening Article By Vince Del Monte & Lee Hayward
Brought to you by www.21DayFastMassBuilding.com
Brought to you by www.21DayFastMassBuilding.com
Question: So the premise of the 21-Day Fast Mass Building is to increase lean body mass while limiting fat gain?
Answer: Correct. Essentially, instead of bulking up for 16 to 48 weeks and then cutting for 8 to16 weeks, the 21-Day FMB uses cyclical bulking which consists of shorter bouts (2 to12 weeks) of bulking, mixed with shorter (1 to 4 weeks) of cutting.
Question: What the hell is the point of that?
Answer: By cycling your bulking, and cutting protocols into shorter bouts, you can take advantage of various metabolic swings that occur in response to bulking and cutting -- and optimize your body's response to each.
Question: Give us an example.
Answer: Okay. Recall the time you wrapped up a long bulking cycle and started cutting. Wasn't it amazing how fast the fat was stripped off your body? It dropped away quickly, and with little effort. But after time, the rate of fat loss slows dramatically -- and ends in some cases.
Question: What causes this to occur?
Answer: Adaptation is the cause. Once you start your cutting phase after the bulk phase, your body is in a prime state to strip of unwanted fat as there are several factors working in your favor.
Question: What are those factors?
Answer: Your metabolic rate is cranked as a result of the surplus of calories -- your levels of T3, leptin, and other hormones which contribute to metabolic rate and fat oxidation, are all cranked as a result of the surplus of calories, in response to handling all the calories you've been crushing!
Once you drop calories during a cut phase, you quickly experience fat loss because of all these factors working in your favor. Your metabolic rate is higher than ever, and burning up calories like a wildfire tearing through a dry forest; however, as all good things must come to an end, the body begins to adapt to the drop in calories by reducing T3, leptin and other factors -- which will, in turn, cause the metabolic rate to decline, and that's when your fat loss comes to a screeching halt.
Question: What happens when you cut for a long time and then start bulking?
Answer: The opposite! Recall the time you wrapped up a cutting phase (or maybe you even did a photo shoot or competition) and started increasing your calories again. You rapidly put on size. Much of this is due to the fact that calorie restriction will increase insulin sensitivity. Increased insulin sensitivity in muscle tissue will help partition calories toward muscle and away from fat, thus making it easier and faster to gain muscle relative to fat.
Question: Any extra tips?
Answer: It's critical that when you transition from bulking to cutting (and vice versa), you will want to take advantage of the metabolic swings we discussed above -- before your body is able to adapt to the change. So, when going from a bulking to a cutting phase, we'll literally cut your calories in half, which will allow you to burn more fat than if you cut your calories slowly, as your body will simply lower your metabolic rate to match your slowly-dropping calorie intake…and vice versa. When transitioning from a cutting phase to bulking phase, we'll double your calories to take advantage of the increased insulin sensitivity.
I DO NOT recommend doing this after a really, really long cutting phase (12 to16 weeks) because your metabolic rate will be so depressed that you will be primed to store more body fat. Short cutting cycles, as prescribed in the 21-Day Fast Mass Building, will not depress one's metabolic rate enough to cause any fat gain.
Question: What is the optimal cutting and bulking cycle?
Answer: We've named our brief "cutting phase" the primer phase, and it lasts 7 days. We have named our brief "bulking phase" the overload phase and it lasts 14 days. This is the nutritional premise of the 21-Day Fast Mass Building and then we have a specific workout protocol to accompany the nutrition.
Question: Last question!
Answer: We give our users permission to experiment with the length of each phase AFTER they have done one 21-day phase as we prescribe. Pay close attention to how your body responds.
Vince and Lee
Click Here to learn EXACTLY how to GAIN 12 lbs of MUSCLE in 21 days using The Anabolic Amplifier Effect!
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
"Gaining 12 Pounds Of Muscle in 21 Days???
Every time I talk about gaining muscle at a rapid rate,my Inbox gets slammed with criticism like this:
"Gaining 12 lbs of muscle in 21 days is IMPOSSIBLE!"
"You can't even make those kind of gains on steroids!
"Do you think I'm going to fall for this marketing hype?!"
Ah, the Internet. How far we haven't come!
Below is a QnA article That Vince did for a fellow skeptic to clarify a
number of his intelligent questions about our 21 Day Fast Mass Building System.
It'll clarify all the misinterpretations of the claims and show
you how over 6,000 users were extremely happy they opened their
eyes to a new approach to building muscle.
Question: What is your definition of "muscle"?
Answer: FAT FREE MASS. The human body can manufacture (under optimal
training, nutrition, supplements and recovery) anywhere from .25 to
1.0 pounds of dry muscle tissue a week. So we're talking 2 to 4
pounds per month and this can be higher or lower based on the
Understand, when you increase muscle size (Dry Muscle), you'll also be
able to increase glycogen AND water storage in those new muscles. More
muscle equals more water and glycogen. This is all considered FAT
FREE MASS and it's weight that will make you look awesome.
So when we say you can gain "12 pounds of muscle", we're NOT referring
to 12 pounds of dry muscle, we're referring to 12 pounds of dry
muscle AND glycogen AND water. Fat free mass!
Question: So the premise of the 21-Day Fast Mass Building is to increase
FAT FREE MASS (also known as "lean body mass")?
Answer: Correct!
Question: In No Nonsense Muscle Building you promote "bulking up" and
then "cutting down" Do you still endorse this method?
Answer: Yes! It's simply ANOTHER road map. When Vince wrote NNMB in 2005,
I was simply unaware of the concept or science behind cyclical bulking.
Just like actors sills evolve with time, my knowledge evolves too. Vince
always caution NNMB users the DEGREE of the bulk. No where in NNMB
does Vince tell users to bulk to the point of getting fat. Vince always recommend adding
muscle while maintaining a four pack.
Question: So how is 21 Day Fast Mass Building different then NNMB?
Answer: Essentially, instead of bulking up for 16 to 48 weeks and then
cutting for 8 to 16 weeks, the 21-Day FMB usesCYCLICAL BULKING which
consists of shorter bouts (2 to 12 weeks) of bulking, mixed with shorter
(1 to 4 weeks) of cutting.
Question: What the hell is the point of that?
Answer: By cycling your bulking, and cutting protocols into shorter
bouts, you can take advantage of various metabolic swings that occur
in response to bulking and cutting -- and optimize your body's response
to each.
Question: Give us an example.
Answer: Okay. Recall the time you wrapped up a long bulking cycle and
started cutting. Wasn't it amazing how fast the fat was stripped off
your body? It dropped away quickly, and with little effort. But after
time, the rate of fat loss slows dramatically -- and ends in some cases.
Question: What causes this to occur?
Answer: Adaptation is the cause. Once you start your cutting phase
after the bulk phase, your body is in a prime state to strip of unwanted
fat as there are several factors working in your favor.
Question: What are those factors?
Answer: Your metabolic rate is cranked as a result of the surplus of
calories -- your levels of T3, leptin, and other hormones which contribute
to metabolic rate and fat oxidation, are all cranked as a result of the
surplus of calories, in response to handling all the calories you've been
Once you drop calories during a cut phase, you quickly experience fat
loss because of all these factors working in your favor. Your metabolic
rate is higher than ever, and burning up calories like a wildfire tearing
through a dry forest; however, as all good things must come to an end,
the body begins to adapt to the drop in calories by reducing T3, leptin
and other factors -- which will, in turn, cause the metabolic rate to
decline, and that's when your fat loss comes to a screeching halt.
Question: What happens when you cut for a long time and then start
Answer: The opposite! Recall the time you wrapped up a cutting phase
(or maybe you even did a photo shoot or competition) and started
increasing your calories again. You rapidly put on size. Much of this
is due to the fact that calorie restriction will increase insulin
sensitivity. Increased insulin sensitivity in muscle tissue will help
partition calories toward muscle and away from fat, thus making it
easier and faster to gain muscle relative to fat.
Question: Any more info to gain muscle without fat?
Answer: It's critical that when you transition from bulking to cutting
(and vice versa), you will want to take advantage of the metabolic
swings we discussed above -- before your body is able to adapt to the
change. So, when going from a bulking to a cutting phase, we'll literally
cut your calories in half, which will allow you to burn more fat than
if you cut your calories slowly, as your body will simply lower your
metabolic rate to match your slowly-dropping calorie intake...and vice
When transitioning from a cutting phase to bulking phase, we'll double
your calories to take advantage of the increased insulin sensitivity.
I DO NOT recommend doing this after a really, really long cutting phase
(12 to16 weeks) because your metabolic rate will be so depressed that
you will be primed to store more body fat. Short cutting cycles, as
prescribed in the 21-Day Fast Mass Building, will not depress one's
metabolic rate enough to cause any fat gain.
Question: What is the optimal cutting and bulking cycle in your system?
Answer: Vince named his brief "cutting phase" the primer phase, and
it lasts 7 days. Vince named his brief "bulking phase" the overload
phase and it lasts 14 days. This is the nutritional premise of the 21-Day
Fast Mass Building and then we have a specific workout protocol to
accompany the nutrition.
Question: Do you recommend experimenting with the length of the cycles?
Answer: Vince gives his users permission to experiment with the length of
each phase AFTER they have done one 21-day phase as we prescribe.
Pay close attention to how your body responds.
Question: How many 21-day cycles do you recommend?
Answer: Vince strongly believes that MULTIPLE cycles back to back will produce
better results than just once through. At least 2-3 cycles (42-63 days)
will make your body more responsive to the metabolic swings.
Tim Ernst
Monday, January 2, 2012
Change For The Good
Change For The Good
I started reading this book by Joel Osteen, "Every Day A Friday" and found a really good section on changing for the good.
The chapter is about not giving away your power. In one section he writes about a man who was not feeling well. He went to see his doctor. Here's the story that Joel writes.
The man went to see his doctor. The doctor said, "What's wrong?"
He said, "Well, doctor, lately I've been dizzy and I'm seeing white spots."
The doctor examined him and put him through some stress tests. Several days later, he called the ailing man back and said. "Sir, I hate to tell you this, but you've got a rare disease and we think you only have six months to live."
The man quit his job and set off to travel the world and do all the things he'd always hoped to do. He spent more time with his family, and he bought a new sports car. One day he was driving by this famous clothing shop and decided to go in and buy a tailor-made suit.
The tailor came in and measured his arm length: "Thirty-three inches." Then he measured his waist: "Thirty-two." Next was his pant length: "Thirty-four." And finally the tailor measured his neck and said, "I'm making you a size sixteen-and-a-half shirt."
The man said, "No, I wear a fifteen-inch shirt."
The tailor measured his neck again very carefully.
"No, sir," he said. "Look, you wear a sixteen-and-a-half-inch shirt."
The man was very adamant. "No, sir. I wear a fifteen-inch shirt," he told the tailor. "I've worn that size my whole adult life. I want you to make me a fifteen-inch shirt."
The tailor said, "Well, fine. I'll make you a fifteen-inch shirt,, but it will be so tight it will make you dizzy and you'll see white spots."
Often, people become set in their ways and refuse to change even when they are hurting. If you are willing to change, if you will make adjustments, many times you will see your "white spots" disappear. You will see your frustrations go away.
Don't give away your power to people, (your joy). Begin to make a change in this new year. Usually it's not the person making you upset, but how you respond to it.
The same applies to your training. If you keep doing the same things year in and year out for whatever it is, You'll always get the same return. If your not changing then, it's time to change it up. Change your diet, training methods, supplementation, and your spiritual wellbeing and watch things begin to change.
Continue to "Crush It" in and outside of the gym.
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