Monday, January 16, 2012

The Meat and Nut Breakfast

 One thing I learned last year on how to build quality muscle when it comes to nutrition was what I ate for the first meal of the day, Breakfast.  What you eat for breakfast sets up your entire neurotransmitter production for the day.  Most people may eat a high carbohydrate meal as their first meal, but doing this can slow your progress to staying lean while building muscle at the same time.

Meal 1: The Meat & Nuts Breakfast (Protein + Fats)
8 oz of buffalo patties + 2 whole organic eggs + 1 oz of mixed nuts.

Why?: The single best dietary tip I learned in 2011 to optimize leanness, energy and concentration is rotating different meats and nuts for breakfast.  The meat allows for a slow and steady rise in blood sugar. The nuts provide a great source of healthy smart fats that allows the blood sugar to remain stable for an extended period of time.  Rotate your meats and nuts every few days.  Turkey, chicken, venison, buffalo, ground beef, sirloin or wild game are great. Rotate your nut sources from almonds, cashews, pecans, walnuts and brazil nuts.  What about if you are allergic to nuts?  I then recommend you a portion of the following low glycemic/low fructose fruits with your breakfast:


I also  add two whole organic eggs and veggies.  This breakfast takes less than five minutes to prepare and has become one of my staples for managing leanness and work productivity.  Try it for a week and tell me the difference.  

Tomorrow I'll share what I eat before I train hard in the gym for maximal muscle growth along with supplementation.

Keep Crushing IT!

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