How to build muscle and loose fat at the same time.
By: Tim Ernst
Is it possible to gain muscle while at the same time loose fat? Some argue that you either have to do one or the other. I'm here to tell you that it is possible, but the secret is all about nutrient timing.
There are certain times of the day when you want to be in a caloric surplus. The only way to build muscle is to be in a caloric surplus and the only way to loose fat is to be in a caloric deficit. How do you do both at the same time?
Research shows that your most optimal time for muscle growth is what you consume after your workout. If you are not consuming enough calories after your workout, then you are just wasting your time.
Here is an example on how to start your day.
8:00 am: Low-carb protein shake with a greens product.
10:30 am: 2eggs plus 4 whites scrambled with cheese, spinach, onions, peppers, and mushrooms.
1:00 pm: 2 oz of dry roasted nuts.
3:00 pm: Chicken Breast with sweet potato or brown rice.
5:00 pm (workout) Consume your a favorite pre workout shake if you want for energy but, it's not necessary.
5:30 pm 30 minutes into your workout consume a high carb drink like Karbolyn, Power Carb, or Vitargo.
5:45 pm (immediately post-workout): quickly digested protein/carb beverage.
6:15pm: 2 oz of pasta (dry weight); 4 oz of Ground Turkey mixed with egg whites.; 2 slices of 12-grain bread; package of broccoli or green beans.
7:45 pm: 1 cup brown rice, cous cous, or quinoa 4 oz of chicken breast; 2 slices of 12-grain bread, asparagus.
10:00 pm: Hand full of mixed nuts or avocado and fish oils.
That's it!
Get ready to GROW.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Man I'm getting better results squatting the correct way. Are you doing it like this?
Friday, February 24, 2012
Vince Delmonte "Minimum Effective Dose
Hey Guys,
Hope all is well and you are keeping up with your goals and taking ACTION.
Speaking of action I had this thought the other day of why so many
people have wishful thinking and never taking action. I wrote this
short story myself and it will only take a few moments of your time.
Now I want to talk about DEATH! DEATH? How often do you think about
death, your own death? Most of the population does not think about
death. We think we have all the time in the world. Well I can tell you
that time is not on your side.
What if one day you're not feeling like yourself and you started to feel a little discomfort? You felt like the best thing to do was to go see your doctor. You walk in and wait nervously in the waiting room and the person at the front desk says your name. Your next. You open the door and walk in behind the wall and down the hall to a room. You sit down and the receptionist tells you that the doctor will be with you shortly. He finally comes in and runs some test. He returns with the results and tells you that you have a diseases that's incurable and that you only have 6 months to live. How will you spend the next 6 months of your life? Now you really don't have time on your side.
I think that most people would come up with their own bucket list and do all the things that they always wanted to do. Well what's stopping you from doing all those things now? You can do anything that you put your mind to. You want to loose weight, do it. You want a different life for yourself? Do it. You want to live healthy and change your physique for good? Then DO IT!
I'm not going to say that it's easy to get the physique you want but, with persistence and focus YOU CAN DO IT! The choice is yours. I don't know about you, but I don't want to live my life with regrets. It may be hard, but if you stick with it the results are worth it.
I've learned most of my muscle building techniques from Vince Delmonte. Here is a short video I posted on my site. Its a really good video.
What if one day you're not feeling like yourself and you started to feel a little discomfort? You felt like the best thing to do was to go see your doctor. You walk in and wait nervously in the waiting room and the person at the front desk says your name. Your next. You open the door and walk in behind the wall and down the hall to a room. You sit down and the receptionist tells you that the doctor will be with you shortly. He finally comes in and runs some test. He returns with the results and tells you that you have a diseases that's incurable and that you only have 6 months to live. How will you spend the next 6 months of your life? Now you really don't have time on your side.
I think that most people would come up with their own bucket list and do all the things that they always wanted to do. Well what's stopping you from doing all those things now? You can do anything that you put your mind to. You want to loose weight, do it. You want a different life for yourself? Do it. You want to live healthy and change your physique for good? Then DO IT!
I'm not going to say that it's easy to get the physique you want but, with persistence and focus YOU CAN DO IT! The choice is yours. I don't know about you, but I don't want to live my life with regrets. It may be hard, but if you stick with it the results are worth it.
I've learned most of my muscle building techniques from Vince Delmonte. Here is a short video I posted on my site. Its a really good video.
Monday, February 20, 2012
MI40 Birthday SALE!!! $30.00 OFF!

First off, I want to thank you for your interest in my product. I aim to give you the absolute best quality product that exists, as well as the best possible technical support for all of your questions, concerns, and comments.
I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself and tell you a little bit about my new Muscle Building Program.
My name is Ben Pakulski , the author and creator of MI40. I will start off by answering the question most commonly asked. What is the significance of the name?
The name, MI40 - “Mass Intentions” is significant to this program because it is representative of the conscious INTENT, to create TENSION in the muscle, as well as the pun of overall mass creation.
The number 40, is the most important number in this program because it is the number that has the most scientific significance in MI40. 40 is representative of the number of days in the program (40 days), the amount of time in a set (40 seconds), the rest between sets (40 seconds), and the number of exercises used in constructing this muscle building protocol.
Many of you will immediately recognize the scientific significance of all of these numbers and some of you may not. The number 40 was chosen because of it being the MOST optimal number for many of these variables.
As will be explained in the program, 40 days has been proven to be the most optimal amount of time to adapt to any new training program (6weeks). 40 seconds is the ideal amount of “Time under Tension”(TUT) to illicit muscular hypertrophy. 40 seconds rest is the ideal amount of time to allow your CP and ATP Glycolytic energy pathways to recover before the next set (these are the energy pathways that drive muscular contraction of fast twitch muscle fibers which are responsible for growth!).
To tell you all a little about myself, I am a graduate of the University of Western Ontario. My areas of study were primarily Kinesiology, and Biomechanics.
My passion for health and fitness is second only to my passion for helping others improve their lives. I live my life by the acronym

I have never viewed myself as an overly blessed individual, which is why my life is always centered on learning the best information, from the best resources and brightest people that exist. 14 years of seeking the best information and applying just about every possible technique on myself , has brought me to where I am today. A very successful, happy, healthy, motivated -professional bodybuilder, author, public speaker, nutrition coach, celebrity trainer and success coach. Sounds like a lot of hats, but they all tie into one balanced life…. Sometimes! ☺
The 2 main principles (or as Vince would reference them – “hooks” and Unique Selling Propositions) set forth in MI40 are the concepts that I deem to be most greatly contributing to holding people back from achieving their goals! “The WEAKEST LINKS!!” Here are the two problems MI40 Solves:
1) Most people have no idea how to feel how to “feel” their muscles, and therefore have little idea how to exhaust and build these muscles. ‘Intentions’ the ideal tool to assist them in doing so.
2) Then there is the idea of creating sufficient overload to stimulate a muscle to grow. Many people spend way too much time in the gym trying to “train” and exhaust a muscle group.
NOS has been designed to get the MAXIMUM efficacy in the shortest amount of time. It will fatigue the muscle faster and create the most optimal hormonal environment to illicit the growth response. Keeping the workout time shorter, means less cortisol (muscle breakdown) and therefore better body composition and muscle growth!
As many of you may already know, in a manner consistent with my approach to all aspects of life, I have gone out and sought “the best”. I have hired marketing genius and fitness pro, Vince DelMonte as my campaign manager for MI40. After spending quite a bit of time with Vince in prepping him for his competitions in 2011, I knew Vince was the guy to help me launch my muscle-building baby to the world! Vince is becoming renowned for his consistent low-to-mid 6-figure launch records. I believe in the product I have created, and I want to share my knowledge and expertise with as many people as I can.
I truly believe that this product has the science, the practical basis, the structure and format to help anyone that comes in contact with it. I want your help in spreading this knowledge and passion with the world!
Yours in fitness, health and passion, Benjamin Pakulski
A short message from your launch manager… Vince Del Monte
MI40 – What is the hook?
First, MI stands for MASS INTENTIONS and INTENTIONS is Ben’s trademark technique that addresses the problem of not being able to go heavier and heavier with your weights unless you wish to carry more risk than reward.
Going heavier isn’t your best option, especially after a few years of lifting, if you want to stimulate muscle growth and you most look to other solutions. With INTENTIONS you change the angle of pushing or pulling by means of a technique almost imperceptible to an observer. You push inward or pull outward with your hands or feet as you perform an exercise. I was introduced to intentions in December 2010 and ever since, my body has never looked the same. You’ve seen my pictures! Intentions literally RE MOLDED my body. On lat pulldowns as I pulled the bar down, I tried to pull my hands apart. They didn’t actually move on the bar, but that different motion made my lats fire in a different way, and my back was more sore the next day than it had been in months.
In the MI40 DVD, Ben teaches you how to apply INTENTIONS to virtually every exercise, not an easy task if you’re untrained in biomechanics and kinesiology (Ben holds a degree from the University of Western Ontario in Kinesiology). On barbell presses for chest, for example, you try to push your hands together. One thing is certain: Forget about using your normal weights. Typically, I do work sets with 180 to 230 pounds on lat pulldowns to the front; at that recent back workout I didn’t need to go any heavier than 150. As I said, though, the feeling in the lats was completely different.
We often play around with grip widths and experiment with pushing and pulling angles, but with intentions you introduce a variable that can awaken dormant muscle fibers and stimulate them in fresh, new ways. Pakulski has used intentions to get more out of exercises like leg presses, squats, barbell rows, bench presses and overhead presses—really anything that has you pushing or pulling both limbs at once on a bar or roller pad. It’s helped him become ripped at 270, place Top 10 at the Arnold Pro Show, Top 5 at the Flex Pro show and on his way to qualifying for the Mr. Olympia next year! INTENTIONS is 100% unique and will breath new life into your workouts. More important, it stimulates new muscle growth based on science and biomechanics, not bro science.
MI40 – What’s up with the number 40?
Ben already explained this but lets review it once more to ensure you know exactly what you’re endorsing. You and your list are 

This is the exact workout I followed in prep of the WBFF World Championships and here’s a reminder that it works!
As you can see, MI40 did not transform my body, it literally RE MOLDED it and it’ll do the same for you.
MI40 – How is MI40 different
than every other muscle program?
Aside from Ben’s trademark technique Intentions and the science behind the number 40 (we can explain why 40 is scientifically optimally for every variable above), we have…. NOS! than every other muscle program?
I’ll let Ben explain NOS to you…
Join the NOS revolution:
For years, I had been searching for the best way to overload my muscles each and every time I go in the gym. I know you can relate to those days when you worked “hard” but still feel like you could have done more. Leaving the gym feeling like there was more in the tank or maybe getting home and regretting not pushing harder?! I CRAVED something that would ensure that my muscles are taken to their limit, and CREATE NEW GROWTH!
This is when I discovered NOS!
My training partner and I had been coming up with creative ways to inflict pain on each other during leg workouts for years. I remember daydreaming of ways to make workouts harder. My goal was to leave the gym knowing I had BLASTED every last muscle fiber, and to have my training partner talking about how he had never experienced muscle pumps and growth like this.
“Straight sets” just didn’t seem to do the trick anymore. Ya sure I felt a decent pump, but it just didn’t seem to be the type of intensity that I KNEW I needed to grow!
FACT: A “straight set” will NEVER cause the type of neurological adaptation, hormonal response, and thereby GROWTH that a NOS set will.
Being a research junky I had always read about overloading the muscle and overloading the nervous system to stimulate new muscle and strength gains respectively. Time under tension was proven to be the number one factor correlated with muscle growth and overload!
Something clicked in my brain! Time under MAXIMAL TENSION! This had to be better than just time under tension!! And so, my GROWTH BABY was born!
If I could use the maximum amount of weight I could handle for strict form for the greatest amount of time possible, growth was inevitable! The only catch is, that ITS HARD!
NOS is something that I have been using religiously ever since. Perfecting its components. I use it to get ready for my contests and in my offseason. Straight sets are now a thing of the past.
The science behind NOS: Neurological Overload Set.
The NOS system has been specifically designed to ensure a maximal MUSCLE OVERLOAD! The greatest number of muscle fibers are broken down or exhausted. Taking your muscles to such an exhausted state also causes the highest possible release amount of growth hormones and growth factors within a working muscle! Without these, you can train all day and eat a perfect diet and expect ZERO growth. This is one of the main reasons why so many people train often, train “hard” and see minimal results. They never reach that “overload-anabolic state.”
Now this Math I LIKE!
How to: NOS
NOS is completed by performing an “extended set”.
The goal here is to extend the set for as long as possible while maintaining tension on the working muscle, and perfect form!
Start the set with a weight that you can use for a strict 8 repetitions. After completing your first 8 repetitions, decrease the weight by 20%(if youre using 100lbs, you would decrease by 20lbs, etc.) Immediately continue to perform as many repetitions as you can with the second weight (usually 5-8 reps). Repeat this process 4 times total. (You will complete 3 drops, therefore 4 “sets”-100,80,60,40lbs).
DO NOT allow your form to stray in an attempt to complete more reps. If anything, decrease the size of the Range of Motion (ROM) (“partials”), just make sure to be initiating the movement with the working muscle from a fully stretched position.
MI40 – What does the product look like?
Component 1The 40 Day MASS Intelligence Training Manual
Component 2
The 40 Day MASS Consumption Nutrition Manual
Component 3
The 40 Day MASS Instruction Workout Videos
Component 4
The 40 Day MASS Proportions Exercise Demo Guide
Component 5
The 40 Day MASS Prescription Printable Workout Sheets
Component 6
The 40 Day MASS Pursuit Calendar
Component 7
The 40 Day MASS Supplement Stack Protocol
Component 8
The Sciene & Story Behind NOS & Intentions Audio Interview
Friday, February 17, 2012
Here's a new product I'm creating. What do you think, any ideas?
Here's a new product I'm creating. What do you think, any ideas?
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Here's a cool quote I saw today. Maybe this will get you to step it up!
"Sweat is Fat Crying"
"Sweat is Fat Crying"
Monday, February 13, 2012
Don't Stretch Before Your Workout?
NOTE: This message was SO good I'm putting here on my blog from these guys,
Ryan and Adam from It reveals a huge mistake
putting the brakes on your gains...
In short - if you ignore this advice - you're a FOOL!
Read each and every word and I'll be back with my thoughts on this
controversial topic tomorrow.
Are you making this muscle building mistake?
By Ryan Murdock & Adam Steer
Do you take a few minutes to stretch after you hit the gym? Or do
you just head for the showers in an exhausted post-lifting haze?
I'm willing to bet that most of us skip the stretching after a good
weight lifting session, because I used to be that way too. Let's
face it. When I rack that last rep, I'm tired. I've squeezed out
every ounce of effort and I've got nothing more to give. Besides,
stretching is boring and I just don't have the time.
At least, that's how I used to be...
What if I told you that skipping your cool down puts you on a long
downward slope to ineffective lifting technique--and eventually to
It happens because heavy lifting causes your muscles to contract.
That's how you generate massive amounts of force--your muscles
contract and shorten, pulling on the levers of your bones and
joints to move the weight. The better you get at firing those
muscles and making them contract, the more weight you can move, and
the more your muscles will grow.
The problem is, your body adapts to this need in order to make
those contractions easier and more efficient. It tricks you into
using the mid-range of motion. And one of the ways it does this is
to cause your muscles to shorten. The more you work them in this
range, the shorter and tighter they get.
If you're one of those guys who walks around the gym with his arms
in parentheses, then yeah, I'm talking about you. Scratch your own
back lately? I didn't think so...
Overly tight muscles don't just look silly or stop you from combing
your hair. When your muscles become chronically shortened, it's
like you're driving with the parking brake on. You're fighting
against your own body in addition to the weight. And your
performance in the gym suffers because of it.
You also lose access to the muscle's full range of motion. That
puts a hole in your results too, because it's by working through
those fully contracted and fully extended ranges that you'll see
the most growth.
Keep reading, cause it gets worse. The only thing that'll slow down
your results more than crap technique is not lifting at all--and if
you're sidelined by injury, that's gonna be you.
Chronic tightness leads to muscle imbalance, and THAT leads to
injury. Ever tighten a guitar string too much? You don't want to
hear that "snap" when it comes to your muscles.
So yeah, stretching. Don't neglect it.
Just be sure to heed this warning: DO NOT perform stretching
exercises before your workout. Stretching before lifting has been
proven to reduce strength and power output. Do your stretches right
after your weight lifting session, when your muscles are warm.
That's when you'll get the best results.
You'll release the tension you just put into those tissues, you'll
chip away at the chronic tension you've been carrying around for
years, and you'll speed up your recovery and reduce the occurrence
and severity of DOMS. What's not to like?
You're probably thinking, "Oh crap! Are you telling me I've gotta
spend another 20-30 minutes stretching after each workout?!?"
Nope. And that's the best news of all.
You can get all of these benefits by adding just one or two
carefully chosen stretches that focus on the body parts you trained
that day. It only takes a few minutes. And your lifts will increase
because of it.
That's what Yoga for Bodybuilders is all about.
A quick and easy, strategically-targeted solution for guys who need
to stretch--but who hate to take the time.
putting the brakes on your gains...
In short - if you ignore this advice - you're a FOOL!
Read each and every word and I'll be back with my thoughts on this
controversial topic tomorrow.
Are you making this muscle building mistake?
By Ryan Murdock & Adam Steer
Do you take a few minutes to stretch after you hit the gym? Or do
you just head for the showers in an exhausted post-lifting haze?
I'm willing to bet that most of us skip the stretching after a good
weight lifting session, because I used to be that way too. Let's
face it. When I rack that last rep, I'm tired. I've squeezed out
every ounce of effort and I've got nothing more to give. Besides,
stretching is boring and I just don't have the time.
At least, that's how I used to be...
What if I told you that skipping your cool down puts you on a long
downward slope to ineffective lifting technique--and eventually to
It happens because heavy lifting causes your muscles to contract.
That's how you generate massive amounts of force--your muscles
contract and shorten, pulling on the levers of your bones and
joints to move the weight. The better you get at firing those
muscles and making them contract, the more weight you can move, and
the more your muscles will grow.
The problem is, your body adapts to this need in order to make
those contractions easier and more efficient. It tricks you into
using the mid-range of motion. And one of the ways it does this is
to cause your muscles to shorten. The more you work them in this
range, the shorter and tighter they get.
If you're one of those guys who walks around the gym with his arms
in parentheses, then yeah, I'm talking about you. Scratch your own
back lately? I didn't think so...
Overly tight muscles don't just look silly or stop you from combing
your hair. When your muscles become chronically shortened, it's
like you're driving with the parking brake on. You're fighting
against your own body in addition to the weight. And your
performance in the gym suffers because of it.
You also lose access to the muscle's full range of motion. That
puts a hole in your results too, because it's by working through
those fully contracted and fully extended ranges that you'll see
the most growth.
Keep reading, cause it gets worse. The only thing that'll slow down
your results more than crap technique is not lifting at all--and if
you're sidelined by injury, that's gonna be you.
Chronic tightness leads to muscle imbalance, and THAT leads to
injury. Ever tighten a guitar string too much? You don't want to
hear that "snap" when it comes to your muscles.
So yeah, stretching. Don't neglect it.
Just be sure to heed this warning: DO NOT perform stretching
exercises before your workout. Stretching before lifting has been
proven to reduce strength and power output. Do your stretches right
after your weight lifting session, when your muscles are warm.
That's when you'll get the best results.
You'll release the tension you just put into those tissues, you'll
chip away at the chronic tension you've been carrying around for
years, and you'll speed up your recovery and reduce the occurrence
and severity of DOMS. What's not to like?
You're probably thinking, "Oh crap! Are you telling me I've gotta
spend another 20-30 minutes stretching after each workout?!?"
Nope. And that's the best news of all.
You can get all of these benefits by adding just one or two
carefully chosen stretches that focus on the body parts you trained
that day. It only takes a few minutes. And your lifts will increase
because of it.
That's what Yoga for Bodybuilders is all about.
A quick and easy, strategically-targeted solution for guys who need
to stretch--but who hate to take the time.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
An Interesting Day
I Just had an interesting day. I was looking forward to getting off work at 5 so I could hit the gym. When I got off, I was walking out the door and headed towards my car when all of a sudden a guy pulls up in a Escalade and says that he was trying to catch me before I left to talk to me.
He told me that I looked like a guy who worked out, I have to to say that made me feel pretty good. He then proceeded to tell me that he was a bodybuilder himself back in the day. Now he looked like someone who had worked out but he was a little out of shape. The guy was 51 years old and was pretty built for his age. We spent a good half hour talking about training and nutrition. He showed me pictures of himself when he competed and others that he took to a stage ready physique. The pictures looked pretty good and he convinced me to come with him to a local gym in the area to workout out with him.
When we arrived at the gym everyone there seemed to have known him. People were walking up to him shaking his hand. I thought this guy knows a lot of people.
When we started working out he changed my lifting technique just slightly and man...what a difference! I felt a huge pump in my pecs that I have not felt in a long time. He told me that he could take me in just a few short months to help my lagging body parts by changing technique.
When we got to biceps he told me that I already had nice ones, but he said he could take my biceps even further to a more freakish look. He said I had a lot of potential but it was up to me.
I've never had a personal trainer, but I feel that sometimes there comes a time that you need to take yourself to another level. Sometimes you have to change it up and this might be just the thing I need to take my physique from good to excellent.
It's like the saying goes, "Successful people are willing to do things that other people don't want to do".
What are you doing today that's "different" than everybody else?
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Nothing like a day off on a Saturday and spending it in the gym. Going to train and CRUSH IT! Bigger shoulders here we come.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Today's training on chest and biceps were MIND BLOWING! If you want to try this explosive chest and bicep workout to increase size in these two body parts, by all means give this one a shot, but I have to warn you this is not for beginners.
NOTE: Each exercise will be 4 sets of 8 with a drop set on the final set. You can only rest for 40 seconds in-between sets. Get ready to GROW!
1.) Flat Barbell Press (with inward "Intention") 3 warm ups then 4 work sets x 8 reps.
On the final 4th set do a drop set 4 times by 20%. For example, if you do 100lbs. drop to 80 lbs. on the second, then 60lbs on the 3rd, and finally to 40lbs. on the 4th. You are pretty much going to do this for every exercise.
2.) 45 degree Incline Dumbbell Press superset with Decline Push-ups.
4 sets of 8 on the Incline Dumbbell Press/Last set do a drop set like the one above.
Push-ups do 4 sets to failure.
3.) Flat Dumbbell "Press Fly." Again, 4 sets of 8/Last set drop set.
4.) Machine Pec Fly. 3 sets of 8/Last set drop set
Super-set this with Push-ups until failure.
1.) Machine Preacher Curl. 2 Warm up sets then 4 working sets x 8. Last set do a drop set.
2.) Seated Dumbbell Curl. 4 sets of 8 then a drop set on the final set.
3.) Cable Curl. 4 sets of 8 then a drop set on the final set.
4.) Burn out with rubber bands. Do as many as you can do with only one set.
This is one of many training sessions I use and learned from my good friend Vince Delmonte's Coach.
If you want more of these incredible training techniques go here===>Stage Shredded Status
Get ready to receive the best physique you've always desired.
NOTE: Each exercise will be 4 sets of 8 with a drop set on the final set. You can only rest for 40 seconds in-between sets. Get ready to GROW!
1.) Flat Barbell Press (with inward "Intention") 3 warm ups then 4 work sets x 8 reps.
On the final 4th set do a drop set 4 times by 20%. For example, if you do 100lbs. drop to 80 lbs. on the second, then 60lbs on the 3rd, and finally to 40lbs. on the 4th. You are pretty much going to do this for every exercise.
2.) 45 degree Incline Dumbbell Press superset with Decline Push-ups.
4 sets of 8 on the Incline Dumbbell Press/Last set do a drop set like the one above.
Push-ups do 4 sets to failure.
3.) Flat Dumbbell "Press Fly." Again, 4 sets of 8/Last set drop set.
4.) Machine Pec Fly. 3 sets of 8/Last set drop set
Super-set this with Push-ups until failure.
1.) Machine Preacher Curl. 2 Warm up sets then 4 working sets x 8. Last set do a drop set.
2.) Seated Dumbbell Curl. 4 sets of 8 then a drop set on the final set.
3.) Cable Curl. 4 sets of 8 then a drop set on the final set.
4.) Burn out with rubber bands. Do as many as you can do with only one set.
This is one of many training sessions I use and learned from my good friend Vince Delmonte's Coach.
If you want more of these incredible training techniques go here===>Stage Shredded Status
Get ready to receive the best physique you've always desired.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
The Skinny guy solution
Hey guys if any of you picked up Dave Ruel's Anabolic Cook Book you made a very wise decesion. The price has already gone up, but if you still want it you can get it here
On another note I kind of had a small back injury, but now I'm better and back in the gym training harder than ever. I got something real cool for you. If you are serious about changing your physique watch the video below. I know this guy personally and he has helped thousands of people who struggled to pack on lean hard muscle.
If you've ever wondered why you can't pack on muscle
as fast as you'd like or frustrated that you bust your
butt in the gym and have little to show than I think
you'll like this cool new video....
--> Hardgainers Success Kit
Especially if you're skinny and trying to build natural
and and permanent muscle without bogus supplements
or long hours in the gym... Enjoy this video:
--> Hardgainers Success Kit
your muscle gains 95% of your money from the bodybuilding
industry and supplement mafia... Enjoy the eye opening info:
--> Hardgainers Success Kit
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