Having big shoulders is the starting point of building a nice V-Taper Physique. This is a routine that I learned form Vince Delmonte's Maximize Your Muscle program.
Dumbbell Shoulder Press
Set 1. 50x10 (Warm-up) with 1 minute rest.
Set 2. 60x6 (Warm-up) with 1 minute rest.
Set 3. 70x4 (Work-Set) with 2 minute rest.
Set 4. 70x4 (Work-Set) with 2 minute rest.
Set 5. 70x4 (Work-Set) with 2 minute rest.
Set 6. 70x4 (Work-Set) with 2 minute rest.
This routine is a great way to build up mass on your shoulders.
Leaning Side Lateral Raise
This routine is a great way to put extra tension on the shoulder. What you want to do is grab onto something and lean side-ways a bit, having the dumbbell at your side and slowly raise or arm up using your shoulder and then bring back down with control. The protocol is as follows:
1. 8 sets of 8 each side with 1 minute rest.
Set 1. 90x10 with 1 minute rest.
Set 2. 90x10 with 1 minute rest.
Set 3. 90x10 with 1 minute rest.
Set 4. 90x10 with 1 minute rest.
When doing this routine proper form is needed to recruit the right muscles, mainly the traps.
Start at the bottom and slowly bring the wight up with your arms flared straight out and squeeze. Notice I'm using a wide grip as opposed to a narrow grip. Wide grip is a little more challenging for me to do and you don't need a lot of weight.
The Next routine (Rear Delt Raise) has to be one of the most challenging movements I have ever tried.
Most people do not do this exercise right as they use to much of their back in the movement. When doing these you don't need a lot of weight. You don't want to use your back at all, only your rear delt's.
During this movement you want to let the weights hang in front of you and then slowly bring them up until you feel the rear delt muscle fire. I used this routine as a finisher of 20 plus reps until failure.
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