Monday, April 23, 2012

Protein/When and How Much?

If there is one nutrient that you need to support your training and recovery, protein would be it! All the exercise in the world won’t help you build muscle or get lean if it is not supported with proper nutrition, which should always include a good dose of some high-quality protein or high quality protein powder.
Read the full article here==>How Much Protein?


  1. Rich protein food supplements helps to build muscle and gain weight quickly.
    Ground nuts, egg, dhal, milk, chicken. fish these are protein rich food supplements helps for weight gain.

    Food supplements for weight gain

  2. Following food elements are considered a best source for body building ;
    1. Whole grains
    2. Nuts
    3. Avocado
    4. Potato
    5. Pasta and Noodles
    6. Dried Fruit
    7. Lean Meat
    8. Smoothies

  3. To gain weight is not as simple as people think. Yes, it is simple but gaining weight in a healthy way is not that much simple. It needs almost the same dedication and attention that one needs for reducing their body weight. So, one need to stay focused while planning a schedule for weight gain or weight loss. Here are some of the basic yet important tips of How to Gain Weight Fast for Men and following these can really help you get a healthy transformation in your body.
